“Why won’t white people speak up about this and condemn this behavior?”
“Why won’t white people speak up about this and condemn this behavior?”
“I would love to live in a country where whites are not the majority.”
I think Y’all are forgetting about decades of black terror perpetrated on whites in the modern era.
“....Native owners were murdered, or put onto reservations to suffer.”
We call the police now because too often when you tell a African American that they are doing wrong face to face the outcome is that you are accused of being racist or things like this happen...
Unfair advantage
“The US obliterated Nagasaki and Hiroshima with the worst weapons we could devise at the time, to silence and subjugate the Japanese”
I think that Alex Jones is more to blame than Trump in this case, Trump is pro Israel and his Daughter is a Jew.
“You started out in this thread posting links to random stories of Black killers caught alive by police, trying to demonstrate equality between the two”
He is also a Native American
I left it out because it came off as just a way to avoid backlash, they may have feared trying to commit to saying that African Americans bear some of the blame in bad police stops.
Hey Chief the PDF that you posted seems to be saying what I had just asserted - This is one of a few possible reasons for the disparity that they suggested.
Most that do that want to be killed
Ted Miller PhD the researcher from the Forbes article said in another article that interviewed him directly “
Are you related to this fellow ?
That is why the issues of those communities where things like that happen are slow to get fixed because you don’t tackle the big/root issues with the same gusto.
You are joking about Baltimore right?
Take a seat
“The number of unarmed whites killed has made up a greater percentage of the total since 2016, when police killed 22 unarmed whites and 19 unarmed blacks. The pattern held in 2017, with 30 whites killed compared with 20 blacks. This year, police have killed 18 unarmed people, with 10 whites and seven blacks among…
Was his gun legal?