Yeah, he was such a good boy. Dindu Nuffin. Just on his way to church and stopped to buy some donuts with fake $20 bills while driving around blasted out of his mind on fentenyal and being a danger to people on the streets. LOL!
Yeah, he was such a good boy. Dindu Nuffin. Just on his way to church and stopped to buy some donuts with fake $20 bills while driving around blasted out of his mind on fentenyal and being a danger to people on the streets. LOL!
Dude was getting high with a known crack head, tearing up peoples property, with his son!!! Only the root can make this a civil rights issue lol!
Last year, 346 young black men were murdered in CHICAGO alone at the hands of other young black men...but let’s demonize all white people for the 39 deaths nationwide at the hands of the radical right. Whites are FAAAAR from the biggest danger to African American lives. Statistics don’t lie.
Wow, thats all I can say to this WOW. The unedited hour plus long video clearly shows one group of Black Hebrew Israelite ADULTS verbally attacking a group of KIDS for 45+ minutes with extremely racist, bigoted and disgusting language followed by another group of Native America ADULTS deciding to confront the group of…
The white guilt runs deep in this one.
SMDH, “Wearing hats while white” is a crime now. :(
Are you willing to do a follow up on this? It seems that the initial accounts unfairly vilified the students, who were not protestors, but waiting for a bus. They were approached by two groups of people who harassed them, not the other way around:…
So, now with all the videos out. Some almost 2 hours long. We can see that there were no chants of “build the wall”. The kid was standing there when Phillips stepped to him, hid did not step in front of Phillips. The Black Israelites were shouting homophobic slurs at kids and racist comments at the Native Americans.…
A much longer video has been released. Looks like the Native American protest actually went after the white kids and got in their face, not the other way around. Seems the entire narrative surrounding this story was false. How do they get it so wrong?
MLK would be ashamed to see a bunch of morons forcing recognition of themselves by identity tokens only to promote disunity and further splintering of the human race. The Root is the antithesis of MLKs message.
I love how you fucking morons continuously double down on fake news. This whole confrontation by “racist white kids” has been debunked. Because you know that, you refuse to do any due diligence and just put up what someone claims to have happened when there is plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Full video and summary of events for those who are looking for something aside from the media spin:
How the Black Israelites came off scot free when their behavior was far more vile, bigoted, misogynistic, and homophobic is beyond me? They harangued the Native American protesters, referring to them as idol worshippers, blaming their “worship of buffalos and eagles”, and failure to worship God for the colonization of…
I can only assume that, given its long commitment to journalistic integrity, The Root will be retracting this story in full now that the full video of the event has been made publicly available, and shows the native elder’s story to be contradicted at several points, and the children definitively proven to have…
Hold up, so the racist white kids mom was actually telling the truth and it was really the black Israelites who started the whole thing and the Native American man actually got in the white kids face and not the other way around?? Well, it’s a good thing no one jumped to conclusions before watching the whole video…
ah... actually it’s probably most, without priors. I live in Chicagoland.
Illinois is RIDICULOUSLY lenient in a lot of cases, and this applies to all races. It’s unheard of for a first-time assault or robbery to actually net jail time. Probation violations are often forgiven if they’re minor. It’s hard to get…
Murakami is an Asian and probably a Japanese name. Most web pages that might have included a photo of Murakami in association with the region are down already. But, maybe this over the top, racism isn’t only about wypipo. Also, the fave sushi place of a friend is Murakami... (Sorry.)
Nope. Not one article or comment about Areva Martin.