
The sequels are good (TFA) to great (TLJ) so far, but the acting is mostly competent across the board (except for Driver, Hamill and Laura Dern). I think that’s by design.

Now playing

Personally, I think Rowan Atkinson’s description of Ophelia as “the crazy chick in the see-through dress who does the flower gags and then drowns herself” is beautiful in its own way ....

Also, you kind of missed the point by a mile here. The woman has a set of given names that scream “don’t take me seriously” and she wound up with pretty much the most respectable title possible.

That’s pretty much exactly what having a doctorate means.

Just because the common usage is stupidly ignorant doesn’t mean that a doctor of education is less of a doctor than a doctor of medicine.

Dear parents to be,

If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could hit someone 

Life — and cars — move pretty fast.

For God sakes, don't let Matthew Broderick drive!

The fuck

This whole art on the internet thing is weird. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’m always weirded out by artists doing renditions of characters they don’t own, then getting upset when other people who don’t own that artwork then come along and share it, credited or not. I’m genuinely confused on how one is OK

This is the most infuriating thing. The man isn’t stupid, he’s had his hands in creating some impressive stuff. But then he turns around and does the dumbest crap like this.

son: this tesla car is great dad

This comment reads perfectly in Kelsey Grammer’s voice. Now I want a Frasier reboot where, rather than quibbling about Opera or Noel Coward he’s obsessed with the folk/beatnik scene in the 60s. 

Early on, Han Solo uses a lightsaber to cut open a Tauntaun...

“Your: “In 1975, Bob Dylan, who’d just started touring again following an eight-year hiatus... decided to put together something a bit unconventional.”

I’m from the alternate Skesis dimension.

I bought a 16oz bottle of glassware cleaner, like the one shown in the video, five months ago. I’ve used it over 20 times to clean a medium sized glass pipe, that has been used every day, and I’ve still got some left.

Maybe he was just being wasteful because he runs a shop and has access to tons of the stuff, but you don’t need to use the entire bottle of cleaner to clean a small glass pipe.

“abject pseudo-intellectual nonsense.”