my 2 favorite comic strip artists with new content at the same time is too much of a dream.
What we REALLY need is new stuff from hermit Bill Watterson.
I have that panel saved as a picture on my phone and I show it to people whenever they try to talk sports at me to illustrate what I’m getting out of it.
Thanks to Gary Larson, I will forever write CAT FUD on my shopping lists...
That’s definitely a “throwing out baby-boomer with the bathwater” situation, but to be fair Boomers have lost the benefit of the doubt.
Saw a sad thread on a meme site of users complaining that Larson isn’t funny and is ‘boomer humor’. Made me really angry that a community whose sense of humor is defined by irony and morbidity wouldn’t understand the magic of Larson.
Ah, it’s funny because I agree with what you say - but I liked it.
I saw it when it opened and did not seem exaggerated even then.
“Are they putting poison in the cookies they sell you? I don’t know. Maybe. Some people are saying that. We should at least know the truth.”
They wouldn’t just go after his victim, they’d go after the Girl Scouts of America.
Same here. I thought the main joke was how believable it was that an entirely fabricated news cycle could possibly be done on that scale.
They’ll forget. It’ll be easy to think Trump is an anomaly because he’s such a disaster of a human on every level. Future would-be trumps would just go “yeah, I’m not that fucked up, he did it to himself, won’t happen like that to me.”
I saw it when it opened and did not seem exaggerated even then.
I feel like this about Bob Roberts as well. They actually went to the trouble of faking an assassination attempt to generate sympathy, why not just go for an interview at a sympathetic cable news program where Bob complains that everyone else is very mean to him?
In the immortal words of Don Draper, ‘that’s what the money’s for!’.
I believe that was Tyler Durden that got into the physical altercation with Love.
I love Hole and Courtney - but I can’t imagine she was the easiest person to work with either, especially back then.
And the rumors about her killing her husband started/amped up around the same time too, and since we know that Weinstein loved to start rumors and smear his enemies - hiring expensive private spy firms to do so - it would not shock me if he was responsible for those rumors. She is a troubled person without a doubt,…
I had the pleasure of meeting her twice. The idea of her being a movie star is not weird at all. She had charisma to burn.