
You’re criticizing the same thing that he is, but somehow you’ve managed to misinterpret Felix’s comment as defending it. Excellent straw man building there.

There’s plenty to criticize about the National Lampoon on feminist grounds, but this is blowing up the biggest sexist institution of American life, CHEERLEADERS!

Actually Michael Gross was only the NatLamp art director until 1974, and this issue came along around 1979, so I don’t think it was his work.

I know that was important to you.

Can you be done? With this specific form of pun, used as a cheap distraction and an indulgence for your relentless belief that your contributions to internet have value, because internet advertising taught you so?

It doesn’t even matter that it’s on the first post I’ve seen of this

Jesus fucking christ, did you have to say that was 3rd grade for you?!? I was in my early 20s. Now I feel fucking ancient.

How Sad. “Linger” is such a beautiful song, it can still give me heartache all these years later.

Way to cheapen an artist’s death. Assholes, all of you.

My personal favorite was Linger, but Dreams was also a lovely song. Gotta give those a listen when I get home.

Does it affect your judgment if you knew the makeup artist got the nod only after the caterer turned it down?

Um, I believe the correct spelling is Se7en. S7ven is the nordic remake.

I absolutely adore the original. It seems to me that everything after just kind of lost track of who and what the cenobites were, at least in my mind. I always saw them as beings that existed for pure sensation, where pleasure and pain meet, completely devoid of any morality. “You called, we came”, not out of justice,

Maybe he just wanted to break free.

Could his stress be about how he’s literally the number one guy in Hollywood named as the next ‘open secret’ abuser who has yet to fall? I imagine that would be a stressful position to be in.

Everything else aside, why on earth would that executive say anything besides “Legal says I’m not allowed to comment on that”?

You’re doing it perfectly, I’m so proud!

Keep your chin up Suzy, I know more gainfully employed massage therapists than philosophy majors.

I think he’s dead, but the thing about the credits does raise some questions, as it doesn’t seem like something that would’ve been done by accident. It’d be interesting to hear Tarantino’s explanation.

I think the combination of the NYT actually taking a story and these cancellations means there’s probably ... something ... there.