I have always felt his act needs more Polish.
What specifically should he have done in your view? It’s perhaps fair to criticise him for normalizing rumored behavior by making light of it in a comedic context but without firsthand knowledge, even people who “know” can only do so much without potential legal repercussions (sadly, that’s why it is incumbent on…
Yeah it does.
There’s been way more than smoke about him being, at the very least, an aggressively creepy closeted gay man for decades at this point.
I feel bad for the guy, he wanted to get his movies made and he went with the guy who offered to fund them, who wouldn’t if your only other real option was to probably not have a film career?
I know it is easy to criticize but that is the major problem with Weinstein. He had enough power in the industry to basically end your career if he so chose.
I know it’s got a bad rep as a purposefully bad movie trying way too hard to be amusing, but I fucking love Planet Terror, right down to its silly missing reel joke.
How far into the future do you think they went? It looks as though Judith is about 5 or 6 years old, which will only be a couple of years from the prestent day in the show.
That goes for everybody in the apocalypse x1000. Sorry, but the bad jokes and long speeches and the bobbing up and down and the spotless leather jacket with the kerchief... I just don’t see anyone following that guy. He seems like he would be selling sham-wows on late night tv.
On a full run? Hell, Darryl was scoring bulleyes while riding a motorcycle, leaning over while continuing in a straight line, and shooting backwards. Zombie obscuring part of the target? No problem!!
If there was logic to this show, someone on Rick’s side would’ve killed him already just to be done with the Trump-level simpleton hypocrite. “If they take and kill, we end them!” exhorts Rick.
How many times are they going to have a solid shot at Negan and not take it?
it was basically The Governor’s plan wasn’t it? Ram the gates with a truck or tank and unleash zombies everywhere.
Maggie gets skinnier as she gets pregnanter.
Bleh bleh bleh, blah blah bla. Bla blabitty blah blah BLAH!
You’re wasting your time. Your body has already absorbed the alcohol, and drinking water will only dilute / expel any remaining alcohol you haven’t absorbed yet. It would be more beneficial to get more sleep than your twice in your life method. It sounds more reasonable that you haven’t drank enough to be hungover…
When you’re drinking on a weeknight, you never think you’re going to drink to the point of having a horrid hangover…