
"Huey, Louie, the Third One…"

I originally worried that Webby was going to just be a duck version of Mabel from Gravity Falls (GRAPPLING HOOK) but when she had that vulnerable "eat a hamburger" speech I realized she was the sheltered kid who wanted to see the outside world. Suddenly, the character clicked for me.

I looked at it this way:

Because it's true!

Those revival comics got surprisingly intense, like when they revive the Elder God Duckthulu and invite him to dinner. "I wasn't sure if I should bring white or red wine, so I brought both."

"And this is when we climbed the Grand Canyon…display at the Supermarket."

This shows how old I am, because watching Donald Duck cartoons ran parallel to me watching Ducktales, so I'm a huge fan of his tantrums and physical comedy. The moment I was won over was when Donald somehow managed to fuck up stapling his resume together, to the point he somehow stapled himself to the wall in the

Granted it's a bunch of factors (his big mouth, diminishing returns), but I think a big reason John Mayer isn't popular anymore is because Swift wrote a song about him. Fact is she has more fans than him (at least in terms of sales) and they're all younger, so they just look at him as a creep.

Taylor has money to burn. I'm happy she decided not to profit from this.

Yea I'd be very surprised if Taylor Swift didn't have some charity work she does on her own. She doesn't need to tie it up in this.

I'm sometimes stunned by how ruthlessly savvy Taylor Swift can be. I'm not a fan of her music but I'd know better than to fuck with her.

It really isn't. Streisand Effect is in full display. There's a chance future employers wouldn't even know that's why he was fired, but now everyone knows.

I know there's a lot of evil lawyer jokes but seriously, fuck the Defense for this case.

You wanna see Miller's id unleashed, look no further than "Holy Terror." Then again the art and story-telling is so lazy you almost feel pity rather than offense. You can clearly see where the serial numbers were filed off from it being a Batman story, and whole scenes are either drawn lazily or straight-up

Also can we take this in? In the movie Raiden is played by MacLeod. In the show he's voiced by the Kurgan.

I don't think so. Defenders of the Realm had a design asthetic closer to Bruce Timm's Batman. I'm also positive they had a much smaller budget because the fight scenes are awful and the music loops constantly.

"Anaconda" is glorious. To see a cast of THAT caliber committed to the dumbest premise I've ever seen is just a delight. They have Danny freaking Trejo in the opening and he doesn't even get a line!

It certainly felt the closest in spirit to his pre-Hollywood work. Every time I watch that film all I think is "Swap out Travolta and Cage for Chinese actors and it would fit in perfectly with Woo's Hong Kong filmography."

Ooo that's a good interpretation as well. I hadn't considered that. God, that's how good that movie is, you can read so much in the littlest of things.

Starship Troopers' most subtle brilliance was the casting, with the bland 90210-worthy actors making the propaganda attempts more effective. You get the sense only Michael Ironside, Clancy Brown, and Neil Patrick Harris knew what kind of movie they were really in. I've always dreamed of filming a dark parody of Disney