
Y'know not for nothing, but was dodging a possible prison sentence worth 40 years of strain on yourself, the victim, and her family? The prison sentence would have been OVER by now and you wouldn't have had this hanging over your head for half a century.

Even worse: he'd be much richer than he is right now if he just sat on his money and did nothing. But somehow he managed to squander even that.

Dude, How Did This Get Made is one of the most good-natured podcasts ever. They actually disparage very little and say in their theme song they "celebrate failure." They even bring in directors and actors to ask them directly what the experience of making the movie was like.

Reporting on what Trump says is like building a house opposite a boat that's sailing down river. By the time you're halfway done, the boat will have moved down river and you need to start over.

I hope that's on his grave. DONALD J. TRUMP - - "Oh crap, it worked."

Guaranteed as SUCCESSFUL business people they probably know the tax code better than him.

TRUMP: You can't fire me! I quit!
MINION: Nobody's firing you. You're the President, sir.
TRUMP: Really? Does that mean I can't fire myself?
TRUMP: Because I've had some concerns about my performance I wanted to bring up with HR.
MINION: Sir, we're the US Government. We don't have HR.
TRUMP: Really? Cause I

In that when you hear the explanation for every crazy thing he does, it only raises more questions? Yea, sounds about right.

If there was ever a story we didn't need right now, it's that one.

And some fridge brilliance hiring Keith Ferguson (an African-American voice actor) to play Glomgold.

Grey DeLisle is hands down the best Daphne. She adds such a weird dimension to the character I can't put my finger on, but it's fantastic.

Me too.

That's not hard. For one, Scrooge is actually successful in business.

Oh God, the new Glomgold is easily my favorite character. Keith Ferguson is just determined to out-Scot and out-ham David Tennant and he almost succeeded. I laughed at every one of his lines.

"I'm serious. This is my stern face!"

It's like how U2 is Bono, The Edge, Adam…and Larry. "Guys, can I have a nickname? I don't wanna be Larry."

I'm kind of sad Peg was never cast as Goofy's wife. The affable Goofy having the brash but otherwise sweet-natured Peg as a wife would have been hilarious. Why she stayed with Pete never made sense to me.

Mickey's in that weird spot where he's super-marketable (thanks to being so inoffensive) but doesn't have much personality. He's the Mario of animation. By contrast, Luigi is the Donald by overcoming more adversity and allowing him to have an evolving personality from series-to-series.

"Ducktales" was a ground-breaker in two areas: investing more in animation, and an episode count specifically aimed at syndication to make more money from reruns. So along with the Simpsons, it was responsible for higher production values in animation in the 90's.