
It's funny Boogie Nights is on the same list as Titanic, because I always felt one was a parody of the other, or at least the people who make such movies.

WOODY: You have air-conditioning down here in Hell?
BILLY: Of course! It messes with the ozone layer!

Google "Kitana - Defenders of the Realm." It's basically just a triangle on her chest that's the same color as her skin tone. Apparently in the Realm, boobs don't exist. She's not the only one. Sheena appears in one episode and she doesn't have cleavage either despite still wearing an outfit that'd show it off.

Oh trust me the original voices are enough. They at least didn't scrimp on that. Cree Summer voices Kitana, Clancy Brown voices Raiden, Ron Perlman voices Stryker, and Luke freaking Perry voices Sub-Zero. I forget who they got to voice Scorpion but he sounded like Cobra Commander, which is absolutely hilarious.

"Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm" misses out being on this list by such a thin margin, since it was cancelled in December of 1996. But HOLY SHIT is that another low point. Take a super violent game, and make a kid-focused cartoon loaded with terrible fight scenes and repetitive catchphrases. There's nothing more

This article mentions 2003 and 2005, but no hate for 2004? I posit that year was way worse. Jessica Simpson, Ashlee Simpson, Jet, Maroon 5, 3 Doors Down, Nickelback, Hoobastank, Eminem's Encore, fucking MILKSHAKE. That's the year I abandoned pop radio and never looked back.

I listen to Pop, and on certain songs you can almost imagine it working ("Do You Feel Love" is so underrated). But U2 just ran out of time and didn't have enough time to iron things out.

Not to mention during the climax the villain gets into that Poochie-fied tank with THREE gun turrets. Holy shit is that movie gloriously stupid.

We're talking big hair and glasses Pearl, right? Because when she took over as a proper Mad in Season 8 I was all on board. "Who is it? I have a gun! I have a lot of guns!"

Do Thirteen and Taub count? A "Poochie" character to me is someone introduced to be "edgier" and failing miserably, and I don't know if they fit that definition.

What's even crazier, that was the final season of the episode. It was after Peter Davison's final story, which is frequently rated as the BEST Who story ever. The producers decided that, rather than wait to see who this new Doctor is, you'd see right away.

"Congratulation" you came back at me with a grade school taunt and apparently can't be bothered with proper grammar.

I always thought that'd make a great horror premise, because Jessie and Kelly disappear without warning when Tori appears, and suddenly everyone wants to be Tori's friend and hang out with her. I imagine Zack freaking out, being the only one who notices that Tori wasn't there before, but everyone brushes him off. Just

Oh dude xXx is Poochie for spy movies. "He's not like that lame-o James Bond! He's EDGY. He SKATEBOARDS!"

Ah the Poochie MVP. It took him seven years but he finally took down Married With Children!

Y'know what's sad? I follow a lot of Let's Play channels and you get the same bizarre questions at their panels. Thankfully they seem to be better at rolling with it than some other celebrities, but even they have their limits. I think there's a very telling reason the Game Grumps haven't been to Magfest since 2015.

Forget Cousin Oliver. My big new-character fascination is Tori from Saved By The Bell: planted in there awkwardly because NBC ordered more episodes for the final season. Everything becomes about her and by the finale (which had already been filmed) she just vanishes…

You get some cactus candy for that comment.

LENNY: Lindsay Naegle? Why are you drinking at Moe's?
LINDSAY (casually): I'm an alcoholic. Anyway…

Shall we discuss some of our favorite real life Poochies in our favorite shows?