
Good God I still remember all the tabloids at the time saying Kate Winslet was fat. First off, she's not. Second of all, she's a fearless enough actress to get nude in her films on a regular basis, making her attractive in both body and spirit. So I'd just look at those tabloids as a kid and be like "Yea whatever I'm

Titanic is hands down the better movie. To paraphrase Red Letter Media: "You can tell James Cameron has a sincere passion about the ocean and history and wanted to do this story justice. Avatar it felt like he asked 'Hmm, what if I mix Titanic with Aliens?'"

Which is really weird when you think about it, making the romance the central hook of such a great disaster. It'd be like a love story at Pearl Harbor OH WAIT.

I chalk that up to bad direction in hindsight. With all the DiCaprio hype surrounding this film I was like "Ugh, this fucking guy." Then from "Catch Me If You Can" onward I was like "Good God, this guy's a phenomenal actor. What the hell did they do to him on that set??"

By page 47 it says "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" and Kate Winslet becomes very concerned.

I dislike it for that exact reason: you're self-consciously pointing out you're just rehashing your old jokes. Myers does that a lot; awkwardly pausing to show how not funny the joke it. The problem is the joke still isn't funny!

For women it had romance, for men it had action, and black people got to see 1200 rich white people drown.

DAMON: And what do they find in the heart of the island mah brotha? Four words! (singing) Glowing lake of LIIIIGHT!

There's "spoon feeding" and then there's "come the fuck on." Lindelof's work is firmly in the latter category. "Prometheus" in particular was insultingly bad because it kept pretending it was deep and mysterious, when the plot only happened because of one of the stupidest casts I've ever seen in my life.

Let's be real, Will Smith saved "I Robot." Yea he Will Smithed it up frequently, but he gave it his all in what could have easily been a generic sci-fi action movie. He even gets kind of real when he talks about the accident that made him so hateful towards robots. "What kind of little girl wants to be a dentist?"

That seems to be Goldsman's MO:

DAMON LINDELOF: Who needs to explain things and give audience satisfaction? THAT'S WHAT THEY'LL BE EXPECTING! HA HA! Money please!

It's also when Ron Howard was entering his "hackneyed bullshit" phase of his career, and he's never really come out of it.

It's fitting Goldsman has worked on so many similar projects as Kurtzman and Orci, because all three have the same writing style. They don't so much "write" as much as they check off lists, regardless of whether the things on that list gel together or tell a cohesive story. It's the worst cynical type of

Not only is Pat offensive, it's also just plain not funny. The worst of SNL's tendencies to beat a joke into the ground. "WE DON'T KNOW WHAT PAT IS. GET IT? THAT'S THE JOKE JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN'T GET IT."

You're right. It's a certainty. Still, it's the weirdest compulsion ever. "You don't understand! I HAVE to send her unsolicited pics of my dick! I just HAVE to!"


I vote we start sharing uncomfortable dick pic stories. I've got a good one:

That's the last time we have Bill Cosby draft our sexual harassment policy!

Kucinich would just be like "…Figures."