
This Jiminy Glick revival took a weird turn.

For Hannity's many many MANY faults, he doesn't seem to have sexual harassment suits among them. Otherwise I'd say go for three.

It's gonna get reduced to finger puppets at this rate.

I'm almost wondering if it's a compulsion. Like they just can't help themselves.

Pretty soon Fox is going to have to call a meeting with all their on-air talent and staff and go "Okay, show of hands, who HASN'T ever sent dick pics or creepy messages to a co-worker?"

I legitimately followed him on Twitter for a while before finally just unfollowing in disgust. I later made some unconnected comment about him and he actually replied, which surprised me because I just typed his name normally rather than using his Twitter handle. When I pointed out how weird that was he said (and I

The multiple choice line is good, but the final conversation is even more heart-breaking. "No. Sorry, but no. It's far too late for that."

Which I mentioned, and thankfully is there. However it's never been used and there are a LOT of steps in the process before the President is booted. As of right now, it's no guarantee.

Trump's lies remind me of a tragic scene from the Batman comics: Batman tracks down the Riddler by solving ones of his puzzles, and the Riddler just breaks down crying. "I didn't want to leave you a puzzle. I could have just left and gotten away with it. But I had to. I couldn't stop myself." That's when you realize

Dude, seriously: I had a late start getting to work that day so when I finally got to the train it was almost 12, and the streets were just BARREN. The eeriest quiet I've ever felt in my life. It was like 28 Days Later. There was a stink hanging in the air "Oh my God, we just did this."


America has very little precedent for impeachment or removal from office. Two Presidents were acquitted and allowed to finish their terms, and Nixon resigned to avoid criminal prosecution for Watergate. We have almost no precedent for a mentally ill, disloyal, or just plain petty President who actively abuses their

Paramount released "Ghost in the Shell" and "Baywatch" this year. They released "TMNT: Out of the Shadows", "Star Trek Beyond", and "Ben-Hur" last year. I'm convinced at this point that Paramount is completely run by idiots who just love to burn money at this point.

Reminds me of some "show don't tell" throwaway line in Suicide Squad I didn't understand, and my brother was like "Oh fans of the comics know what that means." I said "Why didn't they show that then? If I was a fan I wouldn't want it just MENTIONED, I'd want to SEE it!"

I confess I take a perverse pleasure in seeing a bunch of hacks jettison everything after seeing the box office results. We got another example recently with "Pirates 5" which was very quickly rebranded by Disney's social media as "the last Pirates movie."

Ten freaking years without doing ANYTHING new. Christ, at least Fast & The Furious throws in a tank or a submarine every now and again.

Random thought: would Mutt have been so bad if they hadn't made him Indy's son? What if he was just some kid Indy took a shine to, seeing his intelligence but also seeing he was a loose canon like him. It certainly would dull the pain of some of his more annoying moments.

…Wait, a medical doctor has a degree from MIT? What?

Kite Man's profile has to be my favorite thing. "Charlies 'Chuck' Deenan loved kites almost as much as he loved crime…"

That stairway fight is "Hardboiled" and "They Live" rolled into one. I started giggling after a while wondering how much further this was gonna go.