
I loved Capaldi's "This is where I stand" speech. Three seasons of his Doctor trying to figure out who he is, and he lands on the simplest answer. "I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do."

Dude's 75 so not far off. And that's messed up because Hartnell stopped being The Doctor in his 50's. His illness aged him that much.

I know right? I swear, on top of weak scripts, Series 8 had to be the cheapest looking season of the show thus far. Probably ran out of money filming the Anniversary specials.

"I said, I think you should tell him to put the gun down before I rip it out of his hand and beat his bitch-ass to death with it."

"A little burro."

"I thought you'd be taller."

Jamie Foxx crying after the dude gets shot is incredible acting. Its just so visceral and real. Fantastical situation with real emotions.

Such amazing acting. By all rights that should have been the end of the film. I don't hate the ending but that was the real climax right there.

I actually felt it worked thematically; prided himself on being precise, methodical killer. And he got taken out by an amateur randomly firing ahead. Plus for all his terror, his death was rather melancholy.

I'm sorry, but not even the little girl was terrified of Dracula in that film. I could never take him seriously as a villain. Also, the fucking iPod. Come on!

You'd think Tom Cruise saying "Hey homeboy" would be ridiculous, but after seeing what his character can do it's a good "Oh crap" moment.

Brutal emotionally, almost like a 70's Hard R film. Oddly it's the comic book moments (like the gauntlet of minibosses) that hold it back from greatness. Not to mention Thomas Jane was completely committed.

EEE the article mentioned Collateral! That's legitimately one of my Top 10 favorite action films. Tight as drum, tense, perfectly acted and paced, tons of nooks and crannies that make it rewatchable. I'm that weirdo who likes that film over "Heat."

The director's cut of Basic Instinct REALLY needed some work. The stuff about the Ant suit just confused executives.

Even worse they tease her being Wasp and never give it to us. How pimp would it have been to see her in the suit during the climax kicking ass?

The thing with Scott is that he's supposed to be kind of an oblivious shithead who his friends barely tolerate. In that respect, Michael Cera was kind of the perfect choice.

Also, playing The Cure during the fight? That has Wright's fingerprints all over it.

Who needs to be reminded and all that.

ALAN: The question wasn't whether drugs or rape was gonna be in me story Ed, question was how much.
EDGAR: I'm gonna go now.
ALAN: Oi! Just like them Hollywood types, don't appreciate your work.

Cult status?