
We also need to stop and confront celebrities from doing this stuff in the first place.

In seriousness, read the interview Kroeger's comments came from. Dude comes off like such a pretentious douche. He called Nickelback "diverse" (I guess 14 shades of gray is still technically a palette).

I just went cross-eyed reading Jones' plot description. This must be what it's like when I talk to my friends about Steven Universe.

Haven't they destroyed Chicago TWICE in these movies so far? Now it's just in ruins? As a Chicagoan I'm kind of baffled. What the hell does Bay have against the Windy City?

Er, not for nothing, but that's literally ALL he does. What else is there?

That show worked because Allen was set up as the goofball all the physical comedy could happen to. "Last Man Standing" might as well have been called "Why Tim Allen is right about everything", which is no fun at all.

Allen can bitch all he wants, but the dude's worth $80 million and he's still trying to bleed the network dry? "Home Improvement" I kind of got because it got ridiculous ratings, so Allen could levee for $1 million an episode. But frankly if you make such a shitty show, you don't deserve ANY money.

You mean his famous role as Muffin-Haired Bachelor?

The View might as well be called "Horrible Opinions." No one gets out of that show looking better than when they went in.


In Pulp Fiction at least, it was interesting because of how casually the n-word was thrown around, but almost never in a hateful, derogatory context. It was almost like calling a guy "slim" as far as that film was concerned.

I never got the implication O-Ren was fucking the pedophile. Seducing him yes. Mounting him maybe. But I got the feeling she made her move and stabbed him before they got to actual coitus.

Yea like "The LA Job" or something.

"You're not a bad person. You're my favorite person. Though occasionally…you can be a bit of a c***."

Got help me I didn't like Rock and Johnny Knoxville's scenes together.

That's a great interpretation of that moment. I never thought of that before. I always assumed The Bride just didn't consider Elle worth killing, so she left it to the Black Mamba that already killed Bud.

It took me one or two viewings before I even noticed that. I was like "What?? I have SO many questions!"

"You want even? I kill you. I go upstairs to Little Nicki's room, kill her too. Then I wait for your loving husband to come home and kill him. THAT would be even. That'd be SQUARE."

Which is why I'm sad Jackson went back to the well with Battle of Five Armies. NOTHING could top Helm's Deep. It's the Filet Mignon of army battles. Five Armies was like leaving part of that Filet Mignon in the fridge for too long then trying to reheat it, but it's too tough and lost all its flavor.

To me, the big failing of the sequels was assuming we cared that much about the mythology and the politics of the pirate world. Dead Man's Chest and World's End should NOT have been as complicated as they were. They feel like six movies stapled together at random.