
And they STILL bleep the Bride's name during an otherwise serious conversation. Even better.

(in Japanese)
- "What do you want with Hattori Hanzo?"
- "I need Japanese steel."
- "Why?"
- "I have vermin to kill."
- "…Must be big vermin."
- "Huge."

The ones where he stopped doing martial arts and just folds his arms all the time to cover up his gut? And where everything's clearly his stunt double? The amount of fucks he gives in those movies is kind of impressive.

I remember someone told me once that Tarantino films have no morality, and I didn't agree with that. I feel his movies are about bad people trying to do the right thing. In the case of Basterds, it's in the title: War makes bastards of us all.

Y'know since he recently passed away, can we give a shout-out to Michael Parks' role as the Mexican pimp? Tarantino said Parks read the voice at the table read when the original actor couldn't show up, and he was so impressed he decided to just cast Parks as the character. He said "He usually just plays Michael Parks.

My favorite moment of both Kill Bill movies is The Bride plucking out Elle Driver's other eye, because I saw it in the theater and got the escalating audience reaction.

I'm sorry but what even is this movie anymore?

Jackson got acquitted. Maybe not in public opinion, but by the courts. To Cosby that's all that matters at this point.

Not gonna lie: I've been looking at this film as something we need to just get over with. I understand how it ties into Pixar's bottom line and how it's not for all ages. I just want it done so we can get back to better films.

To me Thor's funniest moments are his olde world hamminess contrasting with boring old mortals. Like him liking coffee and smashing the cup on the floor bellowing "ANOTHER!" like it's the halls of Valhalla. That's funny!

They are, until they aren't. Lately I find they do themselves in eventually. See OJ still desperate for the spotlight, or Cosby flagrantly admitting he drugs women.

"Age of Ultron" had BIG issues with this. I knew it was getting bad when Thor was getting quippy. Thor can be funny and Chris Hemsworth does have serious comedy chops, but "pithy" is not the first thing I think of when it comes to Thor.

Not for nothing, but why has Paltrow made this site the hill she's gonna die on? She won a damned Oscar and she's made it her career shilling crap to the public. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.

It'd be disgusting if it just weren't so SAD.

Y'know, there's something really craven and pathetic about this new brand of fascism that's popped up thanks to the digital age and not shooting down false equivalency enough. You're not going to be threatened by butthurt Nazis complaining online about being villainized because no one wants to have a discourse with

No no that'd be the title of a mediocre pop punk band in the late 90's/early aughts.

Good question! You'll notice it's mostly baby boomer celebrities who defend Polanski, which I think is for two reasons:

And Trump shouldn't be demanding he testify. Rich idiots think they're untouchable.

Makes me think of that Bo Burnham line: "Seriously, don't rape people. Didn't think I had to write that down for you."

"Have a Sega Genesis!"