
It's less "he deserves to die" and more "we just want him to finally shut up."

TRUMP: "They can't touch me! I'm represented by the law firm OHMYGOD PLEASE STOP TALKING."
STAFF: "They're not called that sir, they just keep screaming it every time you tweet."

Good God by the third film I was like "What is he even doing anymore?"

Vanessa got it the worst, with Denise at a close second. They made Denise seem like a screw-up so much, no wonder she was flighty and directionless.

Watch that scene and remember this was a $100 million summer tentpole. Have we EVER seen anything that weird in a blockbuster? Before or since?

I love that of all the characters, Nic Cage is the most chill around him. "Hello Garland." I somehow think Poe just accepted the madness early and when he sees a serial killer sitting next to him just mentally goes "Sure, why not."

My favorite little moment is Sally Can't Dance coming back in a dress they stole, immediately asks to join the fray, then Malkovich handing them his machine gun and tucking a spare clip down their cleavage. Both actors play it completely straight which makes it even better.

This is the one Bruckheimer production I unambiguously love, mostly because it's completely insane from beginning to end, but in the most fun possible way. All the characters are memorable, it's super quotable, the comedy comes from how absurd everything is, and the action is awesome.

It's like the craziest Andy Kaufman skit ever.

Oddly the thing that always rubbed me the wrong way on the Cosby Show was Claire. I straight up through she was a horrible person and a horrible mother, putting her kids through the wringer for the most minor offense. Come to think of it, all of the female characters on the show do stuff that's straight up illogical

And Cheeto Dust, don't forget that.

It's like the worst negotiating tactic ever.

"He brought Cousin Pam?? GUILTY!"

I pondered this when I recently re-watched Super Size Me, because Jared Fogle appears at one point. Not much can be done on the numerous DVD and Blu-Ray pressings, but I'm wondering if Morgan Spurlock has considered removing his cameo from digital or on-demand versions. It's just too uncomfortable in hindsight.

Good God, remember the Amy Schumer sketch where she's Cosby's defense attorney and tries to invoke Cosby Show nostalgia to get him acquitted?

That's one undeniable good in this episode: she was acting her ASS off.

It was far from the worst the show has done, but it just got tedious. I'm ready to move onto other things.

NARDOLE: "Code name of the prison is 'Sherrinford'. Not sure what that's about."

Oh for God's sake. Glover, I love your work, but I hate the cryptic bullshit. Either record as many Gambino albums as you want or don't. Either appear on a TV show or don't. I'm so sick of this crap.

That was the only moment I liked too. Like FINALLY someone's having fun in this movie!