
I heard he falls down an open elevator shaft.

Thank God for that. My cousin lives in Manhattan and bitches to me endlessly about how unrealistic shows like Friends or Two Broke Girls are showing nothing but white people. She's like "Is this the whites only district of Manhattan? Is this set in Soho?"

I will probably never watch this show, but I respect what Remini's done post-Scientology so happy to see she's still working. Hope they have fun.

I'd have preferred A. None of the actors change their race or appearance whatsoever and B. They not do it through a patently stupid way like all the other patently stupid things in that film.

She actually hired the real life guy Edward Norton played as her lawyer. Not kidding, she says this in one of her bits. "Yea, I don't fuck around."

No no it goes much further than whitening skin. They straight up replace the Korean actor in the early scenes with a Caucasian actor later in the film. His family even reacts with horror when they find out what he's done to himself.

- "You never wanted to before."
- "You never made a mistake before."

Considering Die Another Day literally features a Korean villain making himself Caucasian through genetic engineering, could you imagine the shitshow if it came out today?

You can see Gunnisms all over the movie, like scoring a sex scene to Richard Cheese's cover of "Down With The Sickness."

Douglas comes off like the first proper combination of Lister AND Rimmer from "Red Dwarf." He had Lister's slobbish habits and Rimmer's devastating incompetence.

More comedic example but I liked how "Power of Three" showed how the Doctor thrives on travel and goes insane being in the same place at once. As someone who's lived fly-by-night for most of his life, there was a certain melancholy about struggling to settle down.

I remember through this whole episode I kept thinking "Don't make a reference to Erica being a little person." And to my delight, they didn't. I was worried there was going to be a plot relevant reason, but nope! Just a regular woman who happens to be a little person.

Here's my theory:

It took him dying, getting zombified, and turning pink, but finally we landed on a Lars episode I liked.

That's why I was paranoid about BVS from the beginning: to me, World's Finest gave me everything I'd want from a Batman/Superman team-up. If I was in charge at Warner Bros I'd just point to that and say "Just make a live-action version of that."

This sums up a trend I've noticed bubbling under the surface the last two years. Really, the far right won the battle with the election, but they're losing the war. Trump only managed to win the nomination thanks to a weak pool of candidates ruined by failed Tea Party policies, and that was only through populist

"You also seem to have several new diseases we haven't named yet in you. For the time being we're just numbering them. Bannon 1, Bannon 2, etc."

OR John Stewart for that matter. Neal Adams made a strong case he should have had at least a prominent role in the Green Lantern movie (not number one but around at least), because he's the Green Lantern a whole generation is familiar with thanks to Timm and Dini.

Every trailer or promotional image I've seen all I can think is "We're really still doing this?"

Wonder Woman seemed like the only character having fun. She gets kicked back by Doomsday and has this quick smile on her face, like she's enjoying the battle. I thought "Now we're talking!"