
Can we put Patty Jenkins in charge of the DCEU? She seems to have a handle on what the fuck she's doing.

If they try to create a spin-off of the Sand Snakes, I'm out.

NOTHING about "Walking After You"? The album version is amazing! It's practically jazz in a way, and so effectively presents the melancholy of an dying relationship.

Oh yea if you thought Jeffrey Dahmer's trial was a slam dunk, this is nothing.

Ailes, O'Reilly, Jones, now Hannity. Weren't these guys supposed to be thriving under Trump right now?

This is the most perfect response to anything ever.

It makes me ponder if he sincerely believes the shit he spews. In the case of Ailes or O'Reilly I always assumed it was cynically motivated.

Ailes ousted for sexual harassment, O'Reilly ousted for sexual harassment, confess didn't see this kind of exit for Hannity. But I'll take it.

If the women had the classic suits but were built like Katie Ledecky that would have been awesome. Heck even as buff as The Rock and Efron are, those aren't swimmers bods.

It's only opening against Pirates of the Carribbean. What could go wrong?

They should just literally title that "The Rock and Jason Statham Beat Up Everyone." I would be so on board.

Reminds me of Seth Rogen's one-liner in Neighbors: "He looks like something a gay guy created in a lab."

"Damn the Gods that i can only comb my hair forward so much!"

All I kept thinking was "These are terrible jokes but The Rock is still giving it his all."

I think the issue is consistent tone. "Batman & Robin" is my go-to example for a movie that can't establish a consistent tone. You have technicolor sets, cartoon sound effects, bombastic music, and that's occasionally interrupted by the tragedy of Alfred dying and Bruce's musings on family.

I remember literally two, and I'm not going to describe them because it turns out both episodes were pointless.

Still, the investment not only seems insane for the product in question, but makes it much more difficult to secure a profit.

I say the same thing in every one of those situations: For what?

Stranger Tides did respectable business for the fourth sequel in a franchise. Problem is that the budgets for these things have gotten out of control, so they desperately need the international box office. The first Pirates film cost half of what the newest film did.

It DID make $1 billion worldwide, which is impressive…except apparently the production budget was $400 million. It's literally the most expensive film ever made.