

I think you hit the nail on the head: Lush. Superunknown is not only more commercial but more stripped down, drier, more naked. Badmotorfinger hit that overdubbing sweet spot where the distortion just sounds like butter. It made the tracks not only sound massive, but expansive.

Or Getaway Car.

Chris Cornell was on a lot of "exceptions" lists for dudes I knew, myself included.

Someone asked Tom Morello the same thing about Limp Bizkit. He said "What's done is done." I always hated that line of reasoning.


I even remember how humble he was doing a James Bond theme, which is freaking huge in the entertainment world. He just shrugged and said "I've done songs for soundtracks before." He even said the enormity didn't hit him until doing promotion for it.

You could tell which tracks were just repurposed solo songs from Chris. Gasoline? Getaway Car? Heaven's Dead anyone?

I'd put in that Badmotorfinger is equally strong. Even the B-side is massive with "Searching With My Good Eye Closed" and "Room A Thousand Years Wide".

I remember seeing Audioslave at Lollapalooza '03, the last year it was a proper tour before becoming a destination concert. Already you could tell it was a show in transition. Jane's Addiction was headlining, treating it as their big comeback, but no one could be bothered. When I went, everyone was there for

I remember Cornell talking at length on Opie & Anthony about "the punk rock guilt" all the Seattle bands felt after getting successful. So many years fighting their way through dingy clubs, and suddenly they can't comprehend playing in a massive hockey arena where everyone's there to love them. He'd even call out his

I happily support putting the kabosh on any shit politician who looks at Trump and goes "Hey suddenly we're not so bad, eh?"

Agreed. Not for nothing but what actors could replace Mike Myers and Kanye?

I honestly feel there's some kind of national trauma we never fully dealt with after 9/11. And while paranoia and racism have never really gone away no matter, Trump certainly tapped in and exploited that during his campaign. End of the day if it had been any other nominee but him or Hillary, it'd be a very different

Reminds me of those comics after 9/11 where Magneto would be helping clean up the rubble at Ground Zero or something. "Hey I'm only a villain under VERY specific circumstances!"

Dark Phoenix still deserves its place in comics I feel. The issue is that Fox and Singer didn't have either the budget, the scope, or the vision to adapt it or even elements of it. Even now they don't seem to be going for "Jean Grey becomes a cosmic God", more they're going for "Jean Grey is basically a mutant rip-off

…Which is funny because that scene actually has the fewest effects in the whole film I think. Basic wand work, Snape getting knocked out, and Pettigrew's transformation. The acting really did carry that scene.

No I understood it fine I just thought it was STUPID.

Looking at early projects he's gonna make hand-over fist with "Alien: Convanent" though.

Fox is in that weird position where the most successful X-Men films are the ones that break from the norm. Deadpool, Logan, even First Class to an extent. But every time after those off-the-wall successes they go "Phew! Thought we lost it there for a minute!" and bring back Bryan Singer and his bland brigade back into