
XAVIER: Erik! You can't do this!
ERIK: Charles, I'm an on-again/off-again supervillain. I hardly need to justify my actions to YOU.

Hey, we all make mistakes Dave. Remember Donald Tr - - oh right.

Y'know what it reminds me of? Ever see Hellsing Abridged?

I tried to give Pepsi Blue a chance. What was I thinking?

That's a shame because I really liked her version of The Master. But she and Capaldi had a good run. Leave 'em wanting more, right?

Y'know of all the hills to die on, Tim Allen ain't it.

If I could post a GIF right now it'd be of Jessica Chastain rolling her eyes hearing Depp uses an earpiece rather than memorize his lines.

My only glimpse into the madness of this show was catching it once on TV staying in a hotel on a business trip. Right away I called bullshit on two girls slumming it as waitresses having an apartment that austere in the city. And then I wanted to puke when I saw the racist-as-shit portrayal of Han. It felt like a

And now for your approval, Trump goes fishing.

TRUMP: Fuck can we re-do that?
HANDLER: S-Sir it's a live speech. You haven't even stepped away from the podium.
(looks out at audience staring blankly)
TRUMP: Well for fuck's sake, can't we edit it?

House of 1000 Corpses.

I know I should be thinking about Steven, but all I can think about is how furious I am at Lars for abandoning Sadie. This isn't his normal asshatery! She could have DIED!

I'm amazed they managed to be in the same room without murdering one another.

Coheed didn't flirt with prog, they dove in head first. You don't do concept albums with multi-part suites and not call yourself prog. Even the latest album has a concept, if you feel "having no concept" is one.

I swear to God after our civilization is long gone alien civilizations will uncover the music of Mars Volta and some ass-hat in the back will go "At The Drive-In was better."


I swear, Allen would rant about conservative macho bullshit and the show was so lame I couldn't even get worked up. It wasn't inflammatory. It was just sad.

"This season things get strangererererer."

They start running out of stuff and devolve to Fright Night levels before they remember Peter Jackson's oveure.

It was getting 8 million on Friday nights?? How??