
He learned too well working with Brando.

I agree. Some of the air got let out when he got introduced. I didn't even want him to die so much as leave.

Going with the victory lap metaphor, RTD was clearly trying to do a victory lap with End of Time but completely botched it. It just came off as self-indulgent, non-sensical, and simultaneously overblown AND underwhelming. Consider Tennant is still the definitive modern Doctor for many, it's such a tragic conclusion

It's funny seeing the Capaldi era tackling prejudice versus the Tennant era, where his Doctor was super-flippant about Martha's racial concerns. The latter wasn't bad, but it didn't add much when it wasn't trying to gloss over it completely. In the world we live in right now, it's nice to see The Doctor of all people

Meanwhile after he died the copy of Under the Cherry Moon I ordered was delayed two months due to back-order.

I remember feeling very vindicated that even Kevin Feige (who offered notes on the Amazing 2 script) felt they overshot it with Foxx's character and just made him creepy and shallow. There are so many ways you can sell a lonely, wounded character without a bald cap, glasses, a lab coat, and literally no one

I swear my favorite moment in that movie is Jamie going to shoot out the glass window, plugging his ears because he's not used to handling a gun, finally pulls the trigger…then realizes the safety is on. What other film would do a moment like that? I was hyping up Cruise, but Foxx put himself on the line as an actor

Strangely the most satisfying moment for me was Dylan puking at the sight of Norma's corpse. Norman and Romero were so far gone they'd never admit she was dead even when her body was RIGHT there. Dylan had the only natural reaction out of the three of them. It was whole season building up to that moment.


"Collateral" is the one movie that makes me wish Tom Cruise wasn't hopped up on crazy, because it made me realize was a legitimately phenomenal and dedicated actor he is.

Remember in "How I Met Your Mother" when Barney talks about being jealous of his middle school friend who claims he slept with 200 girls, even though it was obvious it was just a kid talking shit?

"Stop Making Sense" is a masterpiece. Not a frame of that film is wasted. God I'm going to miss Demme.

I have the same issue with the Blind Banker from Sherlock. It's easily the worst episode of the entire show, but I've watched it more than any other.

Not to mention goes toe-to-toe with Spiderman in terms of dexterity, even if Spidey has him beat with agility and overall strength.

9/11 truther is more reprehensible. I'll concede to that.

RTD seemed to be all about deconstructing the Doctor. We see him from his companions' perspectives and how he changes them, for good and for ill.

He still finds fresh ways to be a wanker.

My biggest problem with Torchwood came to a head with Miracle Day, which is yea it's dark and gritty, but it doesn't come to anything or go anywhere. It's just grim for the sake of grim.

Which is worse: first half of Torchwood Season 1 or back half of Torchwood Season 2?

The Moffat years have only yielded one such episode for me: "in The Forest of the Night." Holy cow that episode was shit. Rest has just been average at worst.