
Which, by that way, after "Forest of the Night" this was a MASSIVE step up for him.

BILL: Doctor, you can't wipe everyone's memories for every planet we visit!
DOCTOR: (snaps his fingers)
BILL: Sorry, what were we talking about?

Certain moments in Moffat's run I almost feel like were a response to RTD's run. Not just with The Doctor's mind-wipe back-firing (like you described), but I feel like Rory's whole character was a response to how Mickey was treated.

I actually prefer that with "Doctor Who": all killer, no filler, get out before the audience gets sick of you.

I kinda wanted to see the Vardi learn remorse. Could you imagine the face that would have popped up once they learned what they had done was wrong? Or more than that, the face they'd have made showing they wanted to make amends?

They were more interesting than anything named "The Emoji-bot" has any right to be.

I agree with this review: I was with this episode until the last 15 minutes. It wasn't that it was bad, it was just pat. We'd seen it a ton of times before. I honestly would have found it more interesting if the kid was the only colonist they interacted with. How great would that be having an episode where it's just

Fortunately we're entering an age where we can look past gender, race, or sexual orientation to hate someone for the person that they are (like we should).

If we're talking food shows, I'll throw in Adam Richman. Seriously, that dude's a prick.

The co-hosts of The View. All of them. Every single one of them, no matter the time or line-up. For some reason, that show just brings out the worst in people.

Something funny: a French friend of mine who's seen more of his performances said that the Wachowskis asked him to ham up the French accent, when in reality Lambert Wilson speaks perfect received pronunciation English (as do a lot of bilingual French people).

She's great in that scene but I rated the movie ten points lower when I found out the club they infiltrated was literally named "Club Hell". I'm like "Oh come on you're not even trying anymore!"

"Just remember kids, if you're amazing at a sport but are never given a chance, you can always learn how to be a monkeyfuck ridiculously talented musician, songwriter, and producer have all the sex ever on top of a pile of money."

I swear every Prince story is like "Pete & Pete", just a drive-by of random awesomeness that just comes and goes.

The only problem was he apparently never made starting line-up because of his height. Guess he had to settle for being able to play any instrument ever.

And Rick James. Though I think his death surprised way less people.

I imagine Prince had a magic ability to produce panties since they were constantly disappearing in his presence anyway. It was a weird way the universe balanced itself out when he was around.

XD Just fold up the panties, stick it in your breast pocket like a hankerchief.

It's cliched now but I was won over by the 360 bullet dodge. Teenage kid in the late 90's that shit was mind-blowing. You're literally like "WHOA WHAT IS THAT."

The sad part about Zion is that the badness just slowly creeps in on you. Docking the ship takes way too long, then we have protracted scenes of interpersonal politics nobody cares about. Then we meet the refugees who aren't interesting. Then we start asking how the hell giant mechs with machine guns are supposed to