
The part that confuses me is taking something uniquely Asian and trying to remove all Asian references. And I don't mean just white-washing. I mean themes, motifs, shots, cultural touchstones, everything. Why? "Because Americans won't get it."

Well plus Joey Pants has never played a nuanced villain in his life. You hire him, you want him to go straight evil. Wouldn't have it any other way.

This was my interpretation: that code he's keeping an eye on when he has a drink with Neo? It's a simulation he's running to get in touch with Smith. You'll notice he's a bit startled when Neo first walks in, but plays it cool when he remembers Neo is the new guy and can't recognize the code like the rest of the crew

Brian Cox once said Hannibal Lecter is an effective villain because he no longer cares about right or wrong, whereas other villains never think they're wrong (they think they're the heroes in the story).

Motherfucker controls my taxes. I ain't picking a fight with him to save my life.

Actually I recommend a lot of Mortimer J. Adler's work. Good, practical Aristotelian philosophy you can apply to your daily life. "Love without conversation is impossible."

There's two things I'll defend with The Matrix sequels:

For the first movie at least, I felt the Wachowskis improved on the ideas of Jean Baudrillard. If you've never read "Simulacra & Simulacrum," don't. It's filled with pseudo-philosophy like "The TV watches you."

Smoke ManMuscle!

His lawyer does realize that's not much of a defense, doesn't he?

Which, by the way, is a totally legit premise. Hillary still came back for more after Obama defeated her. How many times has Santorum thrown his hat into the ring? Or Romney or McCain before their big defeats? If there's one thing some politicians don't get, it's that "No means no" when it comes to voters.

Which considering how the World Cup messed with the ratings of Series 5 is not an unfounded concern. Compare the ratings for Eleventh Hour versus A Christmas Carol, the latter of which aired when the World Cup was finally over. They spike like you wouldn't believe.

Which was intended by Michael Grade to be a full-on cancellation, but fan protests brought the show back. At the same time though, being off the air for so long made it hard to properly budget the show and they couldn't find a replacement for John Nathan-Turner (who had wanted to leave for some time). So basically

I grew to love Donna so much the ending of her arc offended me. I was ready for RTD to go after that. I was like "How dare you!"

I'm not into that episode. Yea it was a big superhero pastiche, but it did nothing to transcend the cliches and trappings. It just felt like a generic superhero story that the Doctor would pop in and out of here and there.

I'd also like to note that Jim DeRogatis apparently got access to the R. Kelly tape and distributed it before turning it over to the police, and invoked the Fifth Amendment when they accused him of essentially distributing child pornography after dodging the trial summons for months.

I'm snickering because Carrie Fisher herself would find this hilarious.

What was the record on apprentices snapping and killing all the Jedi (not a lot, ALL) before Palpatine came along?

True story: I worked at a theater when Jason X came out. I went in to check in on one screening and NO ONE was in the theater. Then I saw the lights come up because they decided not to waste the electricity.

Harrison Ford looked both confused IN that movie and confused while promoting it. One of the most surreal blockbuster pushes ever.