
Oh make no mistake every character on that show sucks but Zack somehow manages to top that suck pile.

I'd go to bat for Alex. But John is hands down the worst, to the point he didn't even survive the first season. Every episode focusing on him was insufferable.

Now we need to do an opposite: shows where the main character is the worst.

Featuring the writer of Dragonball Evolution.

Agreed. There are many ways to handle that situation. Picking fights and getting stoned in your trailer is not one of them.

And yet he's acting every minute.

Question: how many Marvel movies OPEN with the action scene? Iron Man it takes three acts to get him in the red/gold suit. Blade meanwhile is dusting motherfuckers in five minutes flat.

FTR those tax evasion charges were anything but trumped up. Supposedly Snipes even went as far as printing his own money. There's some bonkers stories if you dig a bit.

Which is more plausible: the fact that Trump can't read, or he has a hard time reading anything that's not about him?

Except Trump was legendarily unfunny and unlikeable in that episode (like everything else he does) so curious how it might have translated to success.

Which is the same reason they went with Ford instead of Bruce Willis for Expendables 3: Willis demanded too much money and Ford immediately agreed to be a replacement.

Takes one to know one, I guess?

Like a coked out Phil Spector keeping the Ramones captive at gunpoint to play his new single on the piano.

Pretty white girl who sings nice I can at least understand. Fluffy orange loud-mouth having this much success I cannot.

Ronald Reagan was mocked as far back as the 60's for his political career. I think a lot of the worshipful conservative base really forgets that.

Baker just looks like he's on fumes for his final two seasons. Five years maybe (Pertwee did that) but seven is just too much.

Time travel! GOOD thing!

Like that story with the two letters.

Ratings, however, are meaningless without advertisers. And if this many prominent companies are willing to pull advertising, it would be very toxic to sign on as a new one.

Well given the numbers, I have good news for you sir.