
Eighteen! Eighteen pulled sponsors! AH AH AH!

"The Girl Who Waited", really, is about The Doctor's effect on Rory. "God Complex" is about The Doctor's effect on Amy, and positing whether traveling with them is good or not. Moffat clearly says it's not, but at the same time, Amy and Rory are inarguably his friends and would do anything to help him. "Wedding of

RTD meanwhile would have The Doctor do something dark and/or reprehensible, but there'd be no bigger point to it. It would just be darkness for the sake of darkness (which Torchwood ran with way too much). Show'd just be like "Whelp, that's kinda messed up. Let's move on."

Amy and Rory's exit was heartbreaking, but Amy finally took a stand, grew up, and left The Doctor behind (which is how her story SHOULD have ended). The fact she lived a long happy life with Rory at least makes it a bittersweet ending.

Chicago traffic soured me on cars in general, and since I moved to an area where I can get by on public transit, I feel claustrophobic any time I even ride in a car, nevermind drive one.

I feel like every new Doctor, there's a moment where they find THEIR Doctor, where they stop acting and just become the character.

Imagine the catchphrases.

Yea I don't take that kind of stuff too seriously. They usually do it in the form of a joke. Like Matt Smith "having an app" for the sonic screwdriver. If anything it becomes a hint that his Doctor is as old as he says.

I actually dug that. It felt like Capaldi found "his" Doctor there, the aging hipster Doctor.

Three seasons is a fine run for a Doctor. I'll miss him too, but he's getting out before it gets really bad.

Donna was the one where I lost patience with RTD. That was an unnecessarily cruel fate for such a great character. Everyone else is kind of bittersweet, but that was the one that hurt.

Same. The two records we got are solid. No need to ruin that.

My first childhood bully was named Justin, so I've distrusted the name ever since. Not logical but it's true.


You have no idea.

Why the hell did they re-air the clip on the news?? And why in the hell is it still readily available online? You know some jackass is gonna try to self diagnose at 2AM when there's no one around to help them! It's just monstrous!

I didn't enter high school until the late 90's, so my experiences with the Chicago scene were very very different. One of my greatest memories though was catching the early line-ups of Rise Against and Spitalfield doing a show in the basement of a church. And of course if you wanted an acid trip there were always the

The rule with DeRogatis is that if you're not Wilco, he hates your band.

I love that DS9 not only had a cast that cared that much about their characters, but writers that were willing to own up to their mistakes. I love Ira Steven Behr's one comment about the episode Meridian: "I am a moron."

Even the shitty Gary Numan cover is kinda fun because the base level song is THAT good.