
Oh make no mistake Belloq rightfully dies for being an egotistical cock. Even if he's not a Nazi, that's cold comfort when you're still working with Nazis.

The part that doesn't make sense to me in that episode is that Patty and Selma are about to get their commupence, but Homer intervenes because Marge looks sad that her husband doesn't get along with her sisters.

You want minimalism? "U Got the Look" is a drum machine beat, two chords with some frills, peppered with Sheila E's cowbell. The song sounds MASSIVE.

Which for those who aren't versed in DS9 history involved Nana Visitor screaming her protest very loudly at the writers over the comm station on the bridge set.

Garak's interesting: his charm is so fake, but you know so many conflicting stories about him you go "But is it?" Bashir, green as he is, could perhaps have been the only one to befriend Garak. It wasn't just lunch, but a battle of wits.

What I find so fascinating about Patty and Selma is that they're far from successful human beings. They're chain smokers, horrifyingly unattractive, unpleasant to be around, love terrible TV, and work menial jobs at the DMV. Yet they're so witty, ruthless, and focused they find a way to get under Homer's skin, even

He'll do it dude!

My favorite is a woman who screams "See you in the Seven Hells YOU LITTLE F**KING C**T!!!"

"It's my family label! I grew up drinking this!"

Adult Swim characters, I gotta go with Master Shake. I fell in love with one simple line: "Highlander was a documentary and all the events happened in real time." I can't even begin to break down the stupid in that one line.

That right there is probably why Michelle Gomez is my favorite Master thus far. She gets the character. RTD and John Simm tried for hammy evil, but it clashed with the "bad childhood" angle they tried to push. Gomez doesn't have that problem. She's evil and sadistic and loves it. In a weird way it makes her presence

Gotta go with Ted Baxter. It could be no other. Being THAT pompous, self-centered, and idiotic while having that all-American stentorian presence? He's a moron but he PROJECTS his idiocy so well.

AAAAHHH! (studio laughter)

Look up Alfonso Riberio answering that same question at a Q&A. He holds nothing back. He literally says "She left because the bitch was crazy."

Concerning Tim Meadows…well, everyone say it with me now…

"Run along Cedric." Sheesh Tim Curry even makes THAT line funny.

Miraculously he did NOT play that role or character over the top like his other movies. If Schneider had done more comedy like that I think I'd rate him higher. His deadpan fussiness just makes the character.

Ebert had random moments like that with blockbusters. Speed 2 comes to mind.

Fun fact, Buzz's girlfriend is a boy in a wig. Chris Columbus felt the joke was too cruel to do to an actual little girl.

…Whatever that means.