
Here's an honest question across the aisle: if not for 9/11 and Katrina, how would George W. Bush be remembered?

Which is funny because it has the most creative use, like the bass loop on "Scars" (Rush's borderline disco song) or the pianos on "Available Light".

I feel the same about "Countdown" from the same album. Every time I hear it I'm like "Fuck yea! Going to space!"

My first concert was The Who in 2002 (two months after Entwhistle died) and listening to "Baba" and "Won't Get Fooled" live is still a transcendent experience.

Dogs and cats living together! MASS HYSTERIA!

Grace Under Pressure was apparently recorded over six months with an inexperienced producer, which explains a lot because it REALLY does not sound finished or fleshed out. Power Windows they at least hired a stronger taskmaster in Peter Collins, which is why that album sounds amazing.

Oh yea that album's Moog-tacular. Then you get the Polyphonic synths on Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures.

"Turbo Lover" is so lame and cheesy it somehow 180's back around to being awesome.

Yea they were definitely in a keyboard rut before Counterparts, which is why I'm not surprised they cut back. Not bad, but it didn't really add much. To me, their best synth album was Power Windows, which happens to be my favorite Rush record. 2112 and Moving Pictures are undeniably the best, but Power Windows just


If we're talking synth transitions, we HAVE to talk about Rush.

Considering the roles Will Smith has taken in recent years, I'm now sincerely questioning how much of After Earth was his fault. He's not absolved of course, but I'm wondering how much he contributed to the creative decisions.

He somehow managed to have things that made sense in the show not make sense in the movie. I don't think I've ever seen that before.

"Lady In The Water" infuriated me for different reasons than other people: the more I think about it, there's a good movie in there. One that talks about stories and fiction and how they influence our lives and the way we look at the world. He just ruined everything by masturbating all over the script.

Yea worst of it we had to close a few hours early so they could film the scene in peace, but while the crew was coming in to set up they still let customers mil about and still let us do our jobs. My sister asked me about it later (she's a huge fan of the show) and all I could tell her was "Uh Fred poked his iPhone a

They actually filmed the Shocking Art Supplies sketch at my old job.

Sounds like commute after the election. Nobody on the streets at 11 in the morning. Eeriest thing I had ever seen.

Generations, Colors, and Lost World were solid. I'm just paranoid because I've seen Sonic trailers that look good in the past and have been burned before.

Oh my God in heaven "Beyond: Two Souls" was one of the most infuriating gaming experiences I've ever had. Actively removing control or consequences from my decisions, and having the characters frequently be inconsistent and make borderline reprehensible decisions. Forget bad, that game offended me.

On the one hand, that new "Sonic" game actually looks fun.