
According to Patton Oswalt they passed that script around their whole circle and Cross ended up biting the bullet. In his words: "I threw that script across the room and David picked it up."

He literally spends the whole movie trapped on that ship in a pelican costume though, so I'm inclined to believe him.

Especially when the Chippettes sing in their first scene before they're given clothes and do a sultry dance. One of the biggest "I need an adult" moments I can think of in recent memory.

I have to say Culverton Smith's being unable to stop confessing after his arrest is one of the series' more delightfully dark jokes. Went from gruesome to hilarious.

So in short a bunch of idiots co-opted a term they don't understand as a way to insult people who have a complex view of sexual politics to re-affirm their myopic view on the world and morality?

I would have believed it though. Bowie had patience for many things, but idiots weren't one of them.

I love that stories that simultaneously show Bowie was and wasn't above it all. So you get the man and the myth. Makes me miss him even more.

Yea but they were dads at like 18 so that's an extremely relative statement.

Why do they keep sticking Kate Beckinsale in action movies? I'm with the author, she's best in comedies and straight dramas. It doesn't help she gets attached to some of the worst action films ever (look up the terrible adaptation of "Whiteout" some time).

There is no damned excuse for the horrible wire effects in the first movie. They didn't even bother to chroma key them out in a lot of shots.

Going out like the crazy bitch she was. And I'm sure she'd take that as a compliment. Love ya Carrie.

I'd thrown in for Peter Sellers' last film being The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu-Manchu.

It doesn't even seem like a real movie. It looks like one of those fake movies Adam Sandler's character in "Funny People" made.

Ooohh yea. New Moon and Eclipse he is just deeeeead inside. Look up the scene where he quotes Shakespeare. Everyone reacts in awe but holy shit is it the most disinterested Shakespeare read ever.


I think that's part of Twilight's problem: the books are dreck and everyone on set had to know, but they didn't look like they were having fun until the final movie. Pattinson alone it's written all over his face "I don't want to be here", which is a rare and very specific type of bad acting. And all I kept thinking

I sincerely remember my hair standing on end when Edward and Bella almost had sex in "Eclipse". It was like just before a car crash when time slows to a crawl and you think "N-no they're gonna move, right? This isn't gonna happen is it?" Never did I want to see a sex scene less…and then Edward proposes and it got a

Good question. The answer is yes.

MICHAEL Ironside ya goof. Look up his comments on "Highlander 2" to see what I mean.

Same! Every Goodwill in town has tons of copies, pristine as can be. At least the Harry Potter ones are dog-eared.