
I liked the Korn Unplugged (flaws and all) just because it was so brain-meltingly weird. Korn is second only to Rage Against The Machine in terms of bands who should never go acoustic, but I think the challenge of it fascinated them. And seeing their attempts to translate their sound was admirable, even if it didn't

Urrrgh one hand I'd love to see a Gotham Sirens movie. Other hand, why by THIS team?!!

And the Telltale games already use it much better: all it does is deepen Batman's voice. It doesn't add the modulation or echo. Infinitely better.

I heard something similar and agree. It also helps that Katy Perry's persona is based around crazy, technicolor madness for all. Taylor Swift kinda tried that with the action set-pieces in "Bad Blood" but it just didn't work. It felt like showcases for being awesome, similar to a Milla Jovovich movie. Katy Perry just

Eeesh. One hand good, other hand what a note to end on.

She was also in a little thing called the Mario Bros movie…and looked like a deer in headlights the entire time, but blame that more on the disastrous production. She just has this look at all times that screams "Direction? DIRECTION?? Please???"

Plaza at least has a good head and isn't easily pegged, even in spite of Parks and Rec. I think she'll be fine.

I remember someone saying something similar about Taylor Swift in the "Shake It Off" video: she likes to pretend she's goofing on the cheerleader, the hipster, the popular girl. But fact is all those personas fit Taylor like a glove.

Or Janeane Garafolo, back when she did more stand-up instead of paycheck movie roles and endless political proselytizing (same for Dennis Miller on the other end of the spectrum).

Eddie Izzard is a genuinely underrated actor, because in that early scene he even made ordering and drinking tea look cool.

Oof, sacrificed to a Marvel movie. That bad?

This is why Deep and Burton REALLY need to take a break from each other. Their collaborations have made them complacent, which shouldn't be possible given the strangeness of their material but it still happened nonetheless. A new actor would make Burton wake the fuck up, and a new director would challenge Depp in ways

Soderbergh basically does whatever he feels like whenever he wants to. I guarantee he and Ross are so close Soderbergh was just hanging out and Ross said: "Wanna film some shots?" and Soderbergh was like "Sure thanks."

Yen at least knows enough English to manage a Denny's.

"You HIT a guy WITH glasses. That's…well played."

I say just rip the band-aid off and re-cast him either way, because on-screen he didn't work and behind the scenes he was a nightmare. Just come up with some explanation why he looks different now. Nobody cares about the particulars of that shit anyway.

King Candy kind of split the difference in that way: goofy voice, sinister character.

Oh make no mistake Pacino's been phoning in all his movies since "The Recruit". But this called for him to be funny phoned-in as opposed to bombastic phone-in, so it worked better on-screen.

Clooney and Pitt were just effortless at that point.

And speaking fluent Spanish.