
"You shook Sinatra's hand! You should know better!"

You had one job! Teach me how to do a good Cockney accent! AND YE BLEW IT!

Strange as it seems, "Thirteen" is kind of my favorite. Thanks to Ellen Barkin, Pacino, and Eddie Izzard the quotable factor is through the roof.

Or in the case of the Coppola film, completely subvert everything Dracula was about in the first place.

Fraser and Cruise are like Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

I'm just amazed anyone still tries to make a Dracula film, since Dracula's literally appeared in 100+ movies and is impossible to take seriously. If anything the serious films about the character make you take him LESS seriously.

By the time he's 70 he'll be the new Barnaby Jones.

There are those legends of Walt Disney acting out the entirety of "Snow White" for his staff. I like to imagine James Cameron did that for T2. "And then the tanker crashes into this smelting factory! You think the T1000 is dead! BUT HE'S NOT DEAD."


You want proof, look no further than the remake. Colin Farrell's equally capable of playing everyman and action hero, but it just didn't work. Then again that film seemed oddly proud of how little vision it had. Verhoven's gleeful madness was greatly missed.

One of my favorite subtle jokes in the movie is McClane arrives at the party, takes a sip of wine, and immediately sets the glass back down. It's written all over his face he'd rather have a beer. Little character moments like that fleshed this movie out so much.

The action was great throughout, but T2 has hands down one of the most relentless third acts in film history. There's Sarah's attack on Miles Dyson, the stand-off at Cyberdyne, the chase with the T1000, all ending in the smelting factory. By the end you just need a cigarette.


In a weird way, he was the only one who could have starred in Recall. Schwarzenegger stands out apart from other action stars (like say Van Damme or Seagal) because he was never afraid of being over-the-top and ridiculous. So the crazier a movie gets, Arnold's able to keep up and hold our interest.

Yea well that was the Beatles.

If I had to name them, Up and Around the Sun. Just dull and unmemorable.

"When I Look At The World" might as well be titled "I have nothing interesting left to say."

Did they ever. The scene where they visit Graceland is literally out of Spinal Tap. I just imagine the band-members going white as a sheet at the premiere.

An album like "Achtung Baby" was definitely necessary after a disaster like "Rattle & Hum". Holy shit did that film make U2 look like wankers. That said, when irony didn't work for them anymore after "Pop", U2 has just existed in a weird nebulous space. Their music hasn't been bad per se, just uninspired. I think

This last election basically made any political or election fiction way less funny or interesting to me. We're basically living in an Alexander Payne movie right now. You keep waiting for the turn where the reality finally stops being more ridiculous than the fiction and it just never happens.