
Only Doctor Doom I swear by was the one in the recent Avengers cartoon. Wasp tries to sass him while captured and he doesn't even raise his voice in his response. The lines don't even do the original clip justice:

Dupage Country is the same in the Chicago area where I'm from.

Goddamit Staten Island!

Goddamit, can he not ruin one thing I enjoy in my life?

"Hey who's yer dead friend? Cause he's dead!"

It depends on the band. I felt Rush was pushing it best they could right until their retirement last year. Then again they felt free to do what Metallica should clearly have done ages ago: let it be what it is and retire because you're minted.

Not gonna lie, Andy made me extremely uncomfortable most of the episode. Post-Trump a raving old man yelling at a group of women and children becomes much less amusing. But then somehow, when I found out he was voiced by Carl from "Aqua Teen" I was more on board.

And he just starts weeping. "I couldn't leave him!" Most real moment in the franchise.

This is 100% intentional. Columbus had such a negative experience with Maculay Culkin's dad on "Home Alone" that he started interviewing the parents as well as the kid. He made it a point to immediately eliminate any who came off as stage parents.

"Phoenix" shows it's strength as an adaptation in one scene: where Harry and Luna feed the Thestrals. This scene combines three or four different parts into one (Luna's past, introducing the Thestrals, Harry coming to terms with Cedric's death) and makes it a tighter and more satisfying experience. Plus the baby

The trick with Dumbledore is he's an old man with the physicality and personality of a much younger man. Kind of hard to pull off with an actor who's literally at death's door.

No no, Stewart should have been Rufus Scrimgeour. Don't lie, you'd have bought it.

That's why I think Goblet is the weakest: it's the one HP film where it literally doesn't make sense unless you read the book. Plus the acting is hammy and the comedy falls with at thud. Only Voldemort saves it for me.

True fact: I hadn't read the books when I saw Azkaban (I poured through them all in time for GOF). So I had no idea what the Dementors were. So they appeared on the train and I was like WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!!

My favorite part is Voldemort just losing it and straight up punching and kicking Harry Potter like an unhinged toddler.

It's 45 fucking minutes before the Chamber (i.e. the plot) is even mentioned. I timed it. No damn reason!

I personally loved the Dumbledore/Voldemort fight, mostly because it felt like a response to a lot of problems I had with most movie fight scenes. The lack of music made it tense, it was short so it didn't get boring, and every spell was a solid counter to the previous spell cast.

- The map was lying!
- The map never lies.

That was my only flaw with the film, but holy shit is it a big one.

SORCEROR'S STONE: As the intro to this bigger world it serves its purpose, but it really is poorly paced and plodding. It's ironic Spielberg didn't direct it, because it has his tendency towards ending fatigue.