

He's still got a beard like a billy goat.

Even Verhoven doesn't like that film. He said it felt like a film any director could have made, which I agree with. It didn't have that insane genius that permeates a lot of his films.

I did actually, just last night at the Portland protest. It was quite an evening. Cops helped make sure we were safe. After all, it was our right as Americans to do so.

Meanwhile Ron is somewhere going "I've never believed in the usefulness of the federal government and even I'm surprised."

Smith vs himself in "Nightmare in Silver" was one of the highlights. It was ham-to-ham combat with just one actor.

He seemed like the only person who knew what kind of movie he was in.

I swear, every time Matt Smith sits down for an interview I remember "Oh yea he was barely acting when he played the Doctor. He really is that daffy."

DW is the Arnold Rimmer of the Disney stable. He's an egotist and a blowhard, but he's been through so much you get weirdly invested in him in spite of that and kind of simultaneously want to see him succeed and get taken down a peg. I find characters like that very entertaining.

Oh no doubt. My girlfriend take turns in the role (equality?). But we both know "eh we need to stop being gross and just fucking clean." This cat was like "Whee! No more cleaning ever" and I'm like "Uh…"

Situations like these I always think of a former roommate of mine: he would NEVER cook or clean anything in the apartment. He'd always leave it to me or his girlfriend when she'd visit. She explained his mom made him do a lot of the chores when he was young and he was enjoying the freedom to not do that now that he

Honest question: how many men do you think are not gonna vote for Hillary because they want to get back at their moms for bossing them around as kids?

"Let's make a third sequel five plus years after the last one and ten years after everybody was fucking over Dan Brown novels in general."

I think that was the issue: studio was like "Here's the film you wanted the first time!" and fan-base was like "Too little too late, fellas."

The Nickelodeon version is actually really good and portrays even the more ridiculous aspects of the Turtles (aliens, etc) really well. I'd love to see something like that, not this pandering crap.

Why am I reminded of those TV executives from "The Simpsons" standing around discussing why Poochie failed?

I remember as a kid getting freaked out by "Species" 1 & 2, but watching it again as an adult I just found it laughable. Even the parts that should be viscerally horrifying (the aliens bursting out of women after sex, killing an innocent woman in a car crash) just become hilarious when you see how poorly acted and

*Sends out a tweet. Busts out his cell phone.*

His solo live album is killer and gave me everything I would have wanted. At this point, I'm over a Smiths reunion. Marr's doing his thing, Morrissey's doing his.

"The Thing" is one of those movies where few of the moments are awesome or make sense outside of the context they're presented in, but there is one moment that kills me every time: