

Should just call it "Shitty Opinions in Real-Time"

Counter to your counterpoint: Transformers 2.

(while writing Amazing Spiderman 2)

Goldsman and Kurtzman?? Oh god, we're fucked. Those two don't write scripts, they write checklists. They wouldn't know an original compelling story if it bit them in the face.

What bugged me so much about Abominable Bride was that it was kind of forgettable. I remember a ton from Season 3 as much as I disliked it, but middle part of Bride is just a blur. It seemed to forget what the episode was even about halfway through.

I say let it end. Season 3 and Abominable Bride really wore off a lot of luster the show originally had, and the leads have already moved onto bigger and better things. If they ended it now it'd be possible to preserve what fans originally liked without getting ridiculously terrible.

It's such a small moment, but there's a moment in "Alone in the Dark" so stupid it kind of says everything about Uwe Boll's filmography: Tara Reid is playing a scientist (already my suspension of dis-belief is broken) researching some artifacts, and says that came from Newfoundland and Chile. But she pronounces it as

I love Margaret Cho's summation when ABC fired the whole Asian cast except her and Amy Hill. "We kept looking at each other like 'One of us is gonna give out and it ain't gonna be me!'"

It's not just film sadly! So much of early television has been lost not just because of storage techniques, but because nobody thought people would want to see reruns of the same program more than once. Thankfully Jackie Gleason and Desi Arnaz had some foresight, so we still have classics like "The Honeymooners" and

Underrated role of his: Widow Hutchinson on "Rocko's Modern Life"

Ugh. Kenny Ortega is a war criminal of music. An albatross of a man. When will his lust for blood be satisfied?

I'm the kind of rubbernecker who wants to ask him about the shit films he's been in. I'd be sitting there asking him to tell me about "Armageddon" or "On Deadly Ground."

Rosario Dawson has such an effortless and radiant presence in everything she does I'm sad she's gotten such shit roles in the past. She's drop dead gorgeous, but down-to-Earth and has great comedic timing. Hollywood keeps trying to put her in thankless female lead roles and it greatly undercuts her talent. I'm happy

I loved how "Stop Making Sense" incorporated the crew. My favorite moment is David Byrne offering the mic to the lighting guy to sing the title line, and he does it completely deadpan before Byrne offers it to the camera guy (and by extension the audience). There's just so much joy in that film.

- "You admire it."
- "I admire its purity. A survivor… unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality."

The most pure horror movies to me are ones that shake you to your core. When you face something that can't be reasoned or negotiated with. Humanity makes sense of the world through logic. What do you do when you face something purely illogical? That should not be but simply is?

Also his uncouth comments about the sexual proclivities of our Hispaniard neighbors to the South. Most unbecoming!

I tend to think very clinically when it comes to business. We keep imagining the Ferengi from "Star Trek", but I would think the ideal business person would actually be a Vulcan. Cold, clinical, ask the question "Will this benefit both the company and our clients?" Then again the Ferengi even have their merits by not

I remember the episode where Henry and June go solo. Henry opens his own restaurant, June does a lounge singer revue. Comes back from commercial with her in an evening gown sprawled on a piano and she coos "Time for something a bit more…intimate."