

That's more accurate. Also, I'm male.

Not related to everything, but I hit up a lot of comic conventions and have met Martin Klebba (The Janitor's dwarf friend) at many and he's always been super friendly to me. I've made it a tradition of getting pictures of him punching me in the dick. If nothing else he's a good sport about that.

The moment "Scrubs" jumped the shark? When JD told Elliot he loved her more than Turk.

I remember reading an amazing essay talking about why Elliot is one of the best female characters in fiction and I use it at my reference point as such to this day.

Melissa Villaseñor wins the night with her opening line. I'm like "Damn, throwing the gauntlet down."

Didn't Jimmy Fallon play Billy Bush in an SNL skit once?

I drew a comic about how powerful "Waiting Room" is and got to give a copy to Joe Lally himself. Super nice guy. One of the coolest music moments of my life.

That thick fuzz guitar at the beginning of "Zoo Station" gets me every time. Then when it seques into "Even Better Than The Real Thing" you think "Oh man, here we go!"

Oh man, I've got a couple.

Oh man, I've got a couple.

Oh man, I've got a couple.

At the same time, I'm glad they've only commented on Trump through expies like Garrison. I think they even admitted "We're not giving him anymore publicity. Fuck that guy."

Rewatch the original: you'll notice she never misses a shot. Put a blaster in her hands and Leia will fucking end you.

He had anyone who disagreed with him surgically removed years ago.

It's pretty apparent Lucas lives in a really small bubble. You have to wonder what films he's even seen since Star Wars came out. Maybe that's why his output turned so bad: he kept holding onto old stuff and never improving it as opposed to taking in new media for inspiration.

"Force Awakens" to me was a palette cleanser. A reminder of what we liked about Star Wars in the first place with some new twists. I'm at least hoping they move into new territory with the later films.

That certainly fits Lucas' MO. The behind-the-scenes footage of "Sith" made my heart sink with this line.

I think it's all about fresh perspectives. When Harve Bennett came on for "Wrath of Khan", he and Nicolas Meyer knew nothing about "Star Trek", so he sat down and watched every single episode at least once to get a feel for the series. It was during that time he saw potential for Khan to be a villain and it just grew

I actually had the cassette for this! Whole soundtrack was a solid pastiche of music from the era. "My World Is Over" is a particularly great ballad.