
- "Secretary Clinton, why are you crying?"
- "I'm sorry just (choke) this is going how I always dreamed."

According to him, Shatner got the inspiration for that after fainting from a hard work-out. He remembered everything just faded to black and when he woke up he was flat on his kitchen floor. He imagined dying would be similar: just fade to black and heading to whatever's next.

Hanson was a master of conveyance without dialogue. Through camera movement, expression, mood, tone, he'd tell you everything you need to know about the environment or a character's motivations.

His Trump is too deadpan and low energy. Man was almost epileptic during the first debate. I have a feeling Baldwin can bring the bluster.

I always thought Hillary sounded a bit like a deeper Lois Griffin (really nasally).

"You WILL elect me!!! I WILL BE YOUR LEADER!"

Honest question: the fuck was going on with that white unicorn stuff in the sequel?

Oh yea the whole night was one long Hillary judo move. She didn't get tripped up once and shrugged off every attack Trump attempted. He was sputtering like an old buggy by the end of the night.

Then there was the 400 pound man comment. I thought I was having a stroke at that point. After a certain point it sounded like crazed beat poetry.

Even dug up Rosie O'Donnell again. Dude doesn't know how to pick his battles.

The Democrats ate my homework!

At least half a dozen times he said the absolute last thing he should have said.

And when Howard Dean tells you to tone it down…

I honestly think Holt had a hard time keeping up with the amount of bullshit coming out of Trump's mouth. He was so all over the place it was hard to keep track with anything. Thankfully Hillary didn't back down or get tripped up in any of her responses.

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

"Here's hundreds of millions. Never print another word."

Fuck Jann Wenner. He and Rolling Stone like to act like they have a monopoly over music and popular culture and they're incensed things have gone off in a different direction than they intended. Music isn't the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or whatever fits into their myopic vision. Music, art, and media can be anything.

Polk-a Dot? Why not? *busts out accordion*

WHAT IS A MAN?!! A miserable little pile of secrets!

"Hide Thatcher in the cupboard!"