
"Forrest Gump" represents a lot of trends that irritate me about media about the boomer years: it tries to neatly sum up decades of complex history in clothes, catchphrases, and pop music. All under the banner of "Look at all we've accomplished! What have you Gen X and Millenial bums done lately?" I remember leading

Fox conceived, designed, and composed "Undertale" himself with a small team of programmers and artists assisting him. That doesn't qualify as a polymath?

Tem says h0i!

Can we at least call Toby Fox the American version of Shigesato Itoi?

Look up the album tracks "Jackass" and "Hold On". Much much better.

"Nimrod" is like a double album on one disc. It goes in so many directions I can't help but love it. It's like the "White Album".

"21st Century" is better than people give it credit for, but it's way too long. You could cut like 4 or 6 songs off that album and it'd be way better. The fact it was over-produced didn't help (Butch Vig, bless him, isn't a good fit for Green Day).

I'm the opposite. I thought that was their last great album before they went all arena rock.

OBAMA: "Let me be clear…our country will no longer tolerate disparagement of Weezer albums. Whether early years, comeback, second comeback, or present day."

Heaven help me I slowly got won over to "Thank God For Girls." Lyrics are top to bottom ridiculous but I kind of liked it for that reason after a bit. First rock song that'll have you singing "Microwave it on the popcorn setting."

"Go Away" is easily one of their best songs. I found it kind of refreshing that River's straight up admitted (in song no less) "Yea, our last few albums sucked. We're sorry. We'll try not to do that again."

Meanwhile I'm over here alone thinking "Maladroit" is their best record.

It was both actually. Carson in '88, Arsenio in '92.

Jimmy Fallon's defense is he's "not a partisan type guy" and is "never too hard on anyone." And that's fine. As many have said, he's an entertainer, not a pundit. But there are certain essential virtues and truths we must defend and hold dear.

Nice to see someone who's like "We make freaking candy don't get us involved in politics."

That too.

Or she just does that no-frills Mortal Kombat fatality where she caves his head in with one punch.

Good for her. No snarky comment here. She's been acting since she was really young and entitled to a little time off to get her head and career straight. She's actually super talented and I'd like to see her more as she transitions into more adult roles.

Olbermann just did his segment for GQ where he broke down over 100+ Trump lies in one video, and it numbed me just hearing them all in succession. For a moment, I got it. I got how you can just be beaten down by the bullshit.

She needs to take a cue from Obama's playbook. Obama went for the jugular during his second and third debates with Romeny and it paid off. Calm, rational debate will not work with Trump. You've got to stomp on him with a big fat boot.