
"I have serious concerns about the Trump campaign after all these time-travelers have shown up to shoot him."

This made me legitimately mad. Donald Trump's candidacy is no longer a laughing matter and yet no major outlet is taking him to task or pressing hard on his abhorrent statements. And now we have a vapid but harmless talk show host literally ruffling his hair? Have we all lost our damn minds??

Hey, it wasn't Ronaldo or Lars. I'll take it.

D-D-D-Danger he's behind you
He's a strange kid out to find you
What to do? Just grab onto some Onion Tales! WOO HOO!

I hated every frame because the entire episode was ridiculously off-model. Same with Future Boy Zoltron.

…Steven's in a bathtub and his kidneys are missing.

If I had to guess, Rose also previously had a form similar to Jasper's. But after she grew fond of humans, she re-formed into a more humanoid appearance to show her rebellion against Homeworld. You'll notice she's Jasper's opposite physically. Jasper is hard and buff, Rose is soft and voluptuous.

That's the real reason Pink Diamond was shattered: nobody was going to top Blue Diamond's high score.

First time Onion took him out to the woods I thought "Aaaand this is where Steven is brutally murdered and chopped into bits."

NOTHING from the Prince episode?? That was comedy gold!

Oh God and he's just sitting there alone in the dark re-watching those few seconds with a martini in hand. One of the darkest images I've seen in ANY show. That's the very picture of childhood self-loathing right there.

Ugh even as a teenager I hated that shirt.

Also Daria looking super foxy in Quinn's clothes.

There's of course her call to Trent during the hurricane in the musical episode…

My favorite part is Daria sitting there calmly. She knows the instant Miss Li picks up the phone that she's already won.

Side note: that DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT made me realize she truly is Jake's daughter.

JANE: "I guess Trent forgot."
DARIA: "No. He didn't."

Tom's a controversial character I know, but I honestly think his presence was one of the best ideas the show had. Like this list illustrates, Daria was most fascinating when her cynical worldview was challenged, and shown how things aren't always black and white with her pessimistic worldview.

Yea Lindsay and team are literally neighbors to her, and apparently hung out on a semi-regular basis.

Names are good. I also admit it depends on the individual. I met someone who was gender neutral and told us "they" was perfectly acceptable to them, but that was just one person.