
"Why am I not supposed to eat the beret? It didn't even taste like Raspberry!"

Is she the Tyrion of the Crystal Gems?

What I love so much about this show is that it doesn't draw out its storylines or make us wait too long for awesome stuff. Any other show would draw that shit out forever but "Steven Universe" gets right to it.

I was thinking something similar, but with Yellow Diamond initially. Since Jasper's now power-mad from fusion it looks like I was focusing on the wrong character.

I theorized before Season 3 that Yellow Diamond would somehow fuse with the Cluster, go one-winged Angel on the Earth, and the Crystal Gems would have to find some way to stop her.

I work a nine-to-five five days a week in an office, pay my bills, and pay my taxes. Then I pop open a bottle of wine, watch this with my girlfriend, then I play some video games while she surfs Tumblr.

She values strength the way Peridot values knowledge.

Get a crappy Fender and a Boss distortion pedal and any of these statements could be Mystik Spiral lyrics.

I'd like to see the addiction aspect play more into Jasper's character down the line. From what we've seen, fusion IS addicting to a certain extent. We've seen positive versions like Ruby and Sapphire and we've seen insecure versions like Pearl. I'd like to see someone who takes ALL THE WRONG LESSONS from something

i swear, you should see my face when a Lars or Ronaldo episode comes up. My girlfriend's always like "Give it a chance" but I'm just like "UUUUUUUUGGGH."

Oh you kidding it's gonna be a shit show.

Even Ronaldo's become less murdery.

And that's why you don't choose the Green ending.

I'm trying to dig up Evangelion jokes I can tie into SU and coming up with nothing. If there's any show that's the anti-thesis of SU, it might be Evangelion.

In light in the obvious "Evangelion" shout-out, I vote everyone post their best SU/Evangelion joke.

Unrelated to anything: Kiki looks damn good in jogging clothes.

Who'd have thought Pearl would look so stunning in waiter's clothes? I was like 0_0 "…Whoa."

I feel misunderstand that episode a lot. That episode isn't Sisko's justification; it's Sisko's confession.

Janeway would be like "Launch the Vipers you dirty boy!"

You mean Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Episode?