
The reason they called the ship "The Defiant" was because "USS Ben Sisko's Mutherfuckin' Pimphand" couldn't fit on the side.

Sisko. Motherfucker punched Q in the face and he never bothered DS9 again. Nuff said.

It's kind of why I found Joffrey similarly entertaining, or Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast". Sometimes you just need an unambiguously one-note villain for your story, and hating that character who's designed to be hated can be a lot of fun.

"We were having a good time until you showed up Kevin!!! UUUUUUUGH."

I only disliked "The New Lars" because frankly I'm over Lars/Sadie episodes and it didn't give me anything I hadn't already seen. It wasn't a bad episode, just old hat.

It's funny too because Steven being the more sensitive one (if not necessarily feminine per se) he would be more angry about it than Connie would be.

You'll notice he sits in the backseat with his family while PeeDee sits in the front. Doesn't say anything about his driving skill but it's an interesting little detail.

I prefer Enthusiastic Ronaldo to Creepy Insane Ronaldo.

"Steven Universe" thus far has been about gaining a deeper understanding of someone, even if they're unsympathetic. Even if I don't like Lars, Ronaldo, and Onion i at least have an idea what makes them tick, even if I don't find them to be likable or even fun to watch.

It arguably makes it worse that he's such an asshole when he comes from such a loving family.

Gotta go with Devil Flanders from "Treehouse of Horror." That casting right there perfectly exemplifies how fun the Halloween episodes could be. "It's always the one you least suspect!"

Speaking of which, am I the only one who thinks the horror-romance they ended up watching was a riff on Twilight?

Holy cats was this episode a comedown after the previous two.

Ugh the Ba'ku. They prattle on about hating technology, meanwhile they seem to have finely woven clothes, an irrigation system, a dam for their lake, and tons of finely constructed homes. A sewing machine and a hammer isn't any less technological than a computer.

Forget the epic tracks: the hell were they doing with "I Think I'm Going Bald"? That shit was barely a song. Geddy admitted later they were "pretty high" when they recorded that record and listening to that song I believe it.

A prominent spot from Mr. Smiley, featuring Not-Sinbad voicing him (still disappointed there).

"Insurrection" may be about colonialism, but it frames the story in such a way where it actively discourages you from doing critical thinking about the situation. The problem though is all the details are so incongruous you start picking apart the situation anyway. It tries to make the argument for you when there's

My favorite scene in "Yesterday's Enterprise" is actually the very first one, where Guinan introduces Worf to prune juice. It's so subtle, but it sets up so many things:

Generations is pretty weak but I'd have to go with Insurrection. Bland enough to be hated, but not bad enough to be defended.

Or a bigger budget. I'd heard they were considering the Enterprise-D and Enterprise-A sharing the screen in a big battle, which would have been scores more interesting.