
I like to end it when Frodo wakes up, everyone greets him, and he shares a smile with Sam across the room. They just kind of look at each other like "We made it." To me THAT is the real heart of the series, and that's where it ends.

"Deathly Hallows" was a bit of a slog, and I was terrified hearing they were going to split it into two films. The deaths don't have the punch they should, the camping bits take way too long, and Harry defeats Voldemort by talking him to death. Snore.

"It" before the giant spider appears.

There are only so many sword-techniques to break through so many barriers to fight so many incarnations of Naraku before you just throw your hands up and say FUCK INUYASHA.

I stop House at Season 3. Him firing his whole staff for petty reasons and just moving on after that? That's how the character really would have done it. Everything after just felt perfunctory.

Here's a thought: "Audition" can be neatly divided into the romantic drama part, and the torture porn part.

I remember getting sincerely into "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" because it had a lot of cartoon tropes I loved that I hadn't seen in a while. The fun characters and good morals were just icing on the cake. But everything turned with Season 3 and "Equestria Girls."

Smith also thought serial killers obsessed with walruses was a good idea.

You missed the best part when they get back to the present day:

Was "Anti-Trust" career killer bad? I remember it was bad certainly, but it was so forgettable I can't discern if it had an effect on anyone's career one way or the other. Not to mention all the stars (minus Tim Robbins) were heading for Nowheresville to begin with, so not much was lost.


No he did too. Had a great quote even. "When I made Batman Forever, I felt like I was making a movie. Batman & Robin, I felt like I was making a toy commercial."

"Maybe he melted."

It's not an active hate, but so many snarky articles online reference WWW and B&R and it's just old by now.

Me too in fact:

That's Bai Ling actually, not Lucy Liu.

I'm gonna say it: I forgive Will Smith for "Wild Wild West" and I forgive Clooney for "Batman & Robin."

Ironically the Doctor had empathetic flash cards in Season 9, so maybe you're onto something.

He deserved 40 more years and a few Oscar noms, not getting run over by his own car. It's bullshit.

Y'know what would suck? If he actually proved to be right and all the history books have to say that the whiny guy from Blink 182 found definitive proof that aliens are real.