
I'm genuinely devastated by this. Yelchin was not only a great actor, but he was so good he managed to be the saving grace of many terrible movies. Terminator Salvation? The Beaver? He knocked it out of the park. I was anxious to see more of him and now I'm sad I never will.

(Batmen start wielding machine guns)
"That's not him."
(Batmobile comes crashing through the wall)
"THAT'S more like it…"

I was just thinking that too!

I don't want to read fairy tales where the main characters suggest it would be better to have children die and where the story is best resolved by doing absolutely nothing. That's not nit-picking the science. That's a straight-up bad message.

Forget 9/11. The show is a capsule of its time because it has George and Laura watching the final episode of "The Geena Davis Show" for their date night.

My favorite joke was the extended bit where Laura Bush gets the most extensive douche ever from mystical natives in the woods and when she arrives the head shaman shows her…a clipboard.

Reeeeally wary of Cottrell-Boyce coming back, because holy shit did "Forest of the Night" blow.

If that's true, I'm genuinely scared for children of the UK.

Look at the behind-the-scenes footage of "Revenge of the Sith." Lucas talking to Christensen about the scene they're shooting sums up the whole production.

It's like the smile Tom Cruise has that inspired Christian Bale's performance in American Psycho: it seems super friendly but it goes so over the top you can tell not only is it not sincere, but the insincere sincerity is the only setting this person has. They haven't been "real" in a very long time.

Even when she DOES smile (for pictures or what not) it's one of those awkward rictus smiles that never reaches the eyes.

It's like she has ESPN or something.

I don't know if it warrants 10 episodes like "American Crime Story" did, but I'd love to see maybe a one-episode epilogue starring Cuba Gooding about the robbery trial, mostly because that trial DIDN'T have the trappings of the murder. There was no media circus, he didn't have his dream team of lawyers, the evidence

Big one I want is a Pakistani Doctor, male or female. Because Pakistani culture is so integral to the UK, I feel this would be the most natural thing for the show if you're casting a non-caucasian as the lead.


No that'd be the Endless Eight (still not over that).

Can we take something in for a minute?

"Oh Ruby. You're so forgetful." I want a mini-series of those Rubies bungling through missions. It'd be like 2 Stupid Dogs in space.

First character I've seen in while who'd I'd call "Intensely polite."

"Huh? Who? What?" I about lost it there.