
Oh they'd never let it go. Especially Xander.

I know right? It's almost TOO easy a solution.

Oh no JD and Turk are the real ship of Scrubs. IT'S GUY LOVE BETWEEN US GUYS.

I don't know if this was ever confirmed, but supposedly Mick and Bowie did at least once. That much bisexual rock-star bravado in one room, I wouldn't be surprised.

She and Rogen have amazing chemistry. Their speed-date is one of my favorite parts of "The 40 Year-Old Virgin." She's suddenly humanized after hearing Paul Rudd talk her up for an hour, and Rogen quickly switches gears when he realizes he had her all wrong.

Makes me think of another: Carrie and Miranda from "Sex and the City." When Carrie's cheating on Aiden with Big, it's MIRANDA she goes to for validation. "Do you hate me" and all that, and it's consistent with both their relationships throughout the show.

I would be VERY surprised if Angel and Spike didn't do…well, SOMETHING over the decades/centuries they've known each other. I doubt even the Scoobies would be surprised.

Edited it. Came off as a bit "doth protest too much" even though that wasn't my intention. I'm owning up to it.

Which is another thing I think about with shipping: I almost love it when it goes beyond physical or emotional romance. It becomes about two people who just GET each other. My best friend and I have that and we'd never be a romantic couple. It's like "Be my spouse" and more "I'd lay in traffic for you."

Another personal example: Chloe from "Life Is Strange." I was happy to see a lot of YouTubers not gushing over "Girl On Girl Is Hot" if you decided to go romantic with her, but were gushing because she and Max were genuinely adorable together. Gender or sexual orientation became almost incidental from their connection

Here's a question, what obscure ships do you like? Ones that fans rarely consider, nevermind the original creators?

I like that shipping is becoming less defined by personal sexual orientation of the shipper. Poe and Finn just make sense. You could make an argument that Poe is the more dominant one in the relationship (he's an experienced, famous Resistance fighter and essentially GIVES Finn his name), but by the end Finn's become

I only saw it once before: at the end of "Matrix Revolutions." Just a simultaneous wash of "WOW. THAT SUCKED."

The twist is that the movie lies to you and makes no fucking sense, apparently.

Question: how many people here saw booing and jeers when they were still showing the trailer for "Devil" in the theaters?

I can't call any of Shyamalan's films secret comedies, mostly because I think he doesn't have enough self-awareness to qualify. Not after "Lady in the Water."

Atwell has solid comedy chops though and is fearless in her performances, which is what you need to play The Doctor: complete authority and confidence even if you have none.

Or some form of Pakistani Doctor. For a British show casting a non-white actor, that seems the natural choice to me.

Clara became a problem in the long term because she was a mystery first and a character second, so we couldn't get a handle on who she was without the mystery.

Davies had a tendency to blow the landing after Tennant came on board, which is a shame because Series 1 had an amazing ending. How he ended Donna's season is when I turned on him. Maybe that's part of why people regard Seasons 5 and 9 so well? On top of great episodes, they had great endings.