
I have both fear, laziness, and general malaise to blame. I work best with prompting. When I don't have that and it's just me, I lose the plot.

Season 8 is held back for me because it had two glaring weaknesses: "Kill The Moon" and "Forest of the Night" (God I hated those episodes). However, it also had two stone-cold classics with "Listen" and "Flatline." Season 9 was more consistent across the board. Only weak episode was "Sleep No More."

Honest question: is there any Moffat episode as bad or as offensive as "Love & Monsters"? That's not only insultingly bad but gets away from what "Doctor Who" is supposed to be about in the first place?

I fully admit Davies' bad episodes bother me more than Moffat's, but I also fully admit that's purely personal taste. I have plenty of friends who disagree with me, but I've resisted demonizing Moffat like some of them do. He's not the worst person in the world just because he's not doing what you think he should be

Concerning Chibnall: like Moffat and Davies he's written some good stuff ("42"), some good stuff ("The Hungry Earth"), and some crap ("Dinosaurs On A Spaceship"). One thing I consistently notice is solid casts and well-written character moments even in the middle of weak stories and premises. I get the feeling being

I'm almost positive they weren't sure they'd go past Season 5, so they wrote it like it would be a fitting ending. I can easily imagine The Doctor walking onto the other side of the cracks and never returning, if it'll mean saving the universe. The dancing at Amy and Rory's wedding feels like a celebration that the

I'll give Moffat this: he seemed most inclined to take risks with "Doctor Who". Even if those risks didn't pay off, he deserves credit for trying to push the show in new directions.

Season 8 had some transition pains, but Season 9 is where Capaldi came into his own and figured out "his" Doctor. The instant he came out with the guitar on the tank in medieval England I thought "Yup, that's the character."

Here's a fact no one likes to admit…

David Bowie's death had that for me recently. I had been hemming and hawing about home recording for a long time, but haven't produced anything despite buying the equipment and software. Bunch of stuff and excuses kept me from it.

I had a similar experience: seeing "Troll 2" in the theaters after a bad break-up and being forced to move home because I didn't have work. It brought me out of the darkness and got me started on my enjoyment of bad movies. It reminded me even in the middle of something awful, I could find joy.

Bowie had always been in the background of my life ("Ziggy" here, "Let's Dance" here, etc), so the "Reality" album made a huge impression on me when I heard it at 18, and it was all thanks to "Bring Me The Disco King." The last track on that album, and what would be his last track for almost a decade, it was almost

I'm the kind of weirdo who likes Bowie's latter material best. I agree his work in the 70's is his best, but his latter work was the first I heard so it has a special place in my heart. In fact, "Reality" has extra poignancy to me because it's a famous seminal artist examining his place in the world and realizing he

Called the twist the first time I saw the trailer. Even if I wasn't right, I would have been VERY surprised if there hadn't been some kind of twist in general. No way Moffat & Gatiss (especially Moffat) would let us off the hook that easily. Once I understood "okay, this is going to get weird" I enjoyed the character

I remember Patton Oswalt theorizing that Cosby would go into what he called "exile in luxury", like what George W. Bush had after he left office. He would never go to jail, but he would be shunned en mass by the world for his transgressions. Looks like we ARE making those who have done wrong answer.

I vote we post out-of-context Undertale quotes in protest. I'll start:

How is Undertale not on here yet? That was MY favorite game of the year because it made me interested in the moral choice system by having clever enough writing that made me actually CARE about the characters in the story. The ending has been the biggest emotional gut-punch I've had in some time.

With buck teeth.

That's like hiring Picasso to paint a scratch-n-sniff sticker of a fart.

THE RIDICULOUS SIX: Not as ridiculous as the title would presume.