
It was the most epic game of "NOT IT" ever.

Okay, can we stop pegging Kevin James as the fat guy? Yea he's stout and husky but he's not day-time talk show fat, and he needs to stop putting himself out for such roles because he's not Chris Farley and it's just getting embarassing. Jesus H Christ James show some pride for fuck's sake.


So was "Birth of a Nation." At least THAT'S historically relevant. I'm curious if people will remember this by the New Year.

You're goddamn right I did.

Wait here's a question: did that retrospective even include anything from the fourth album nobody cared about? If it didn't then that's extra tragic. It's like their Van Halen III.

I usually point those people to "Rush in Rio" and show them 50,000 hyped-up Brazilians singing along to "YYZ". Let's see Of Mountains & Men do THAT.

3 and 6 weren't THAT bad, but they were definitely unsatisfying and relied on Deus Ex Machina. 4 and 7 (especially 4) had way too many OH COME ON moments. Which is a shame because Series 4 had the strongest episodes and companion IMO of the Tennant era. But by the conclusion of "Journey's End" I was fed up with RTD

I always felt they weren't sure they'd get a second season of Eccleston's year, so they just gave it their all, hence why it ties itself up rather nicely at the end. But then they got renewed and had to scramble, hence the REALLY uneven Series 2. I think if we're talking the most solid arc with the best pay-off,

I think that was my overall problem with the film when I saw it: it felt more like a collection of either indie cliches or stand-alone "quirky" scenes that had no narrative cohesion overall. I'd almost call it contrived if it wasn't so achingly sincere.

From what I saw Alex is Serbian. His last name translates to "Son of Life", which is where he gets his stage name from. But he's not Jewish. My mistake.

The consistent compliment I've had for this season is that the end of every episode made me want to immediately want the next one because I was dying to see what happened next. I suppose that's the highest compliment you can give for serialized TV. I'd totally support more seasons of two-parters down the line, because

Good lord if that's not an audio play sometime soon I'm going to be VERY disappointed.

I know albums like "2112" and "Moving Pictures" are more seminal, but "Power Windows" is still hands down my favorite Rush record. The energy, the production, the songs, it's truly unique in the Rush discography. If I wake up every morning to "Marathon" from now until I die, I'll be a happy man.

I'm a huge Rush fan and reviewed all their albums on my website years ago, and I asked the question at the end why the band is so hated by the mainstream. The conclusion I came to is this: Rush is not cool. They've never been cool. They're skinny, pale, Canadian Jews singing 10 minute songs about science fiction and

And speaking as someone who grew up in the Illinois suburbs (where Roseanne is set) it was freakishly accurate.

I've only watched "Two Broke Girls" once, but I immediately lost it when I saw the apartment they lived in. Well, that and the racist Asian character. Jesus Christ that show…

I actually got to meet Martin Klebba at a convention (he played The Janitor's dwarf partner). Even HE rolled his eyes at Season 9. Nice guy.

PTA's only indulgence in the "sullen white guy" genre is "Punch Drunk Love" I think. Everyone one of his films at least brings in a bigger message or satire about the world (porn industry, oil industry, cults, etc). Zach Braff's works are like those rich executives going to a therapist about their fear of success.

"Hey Soul Sister" being an exception. Also, Mara Wilson didn't back down on her assessment of "Mad World" OR "Donnie Darko".