
I always feel the best art is made when trying something new and taking risks pays off. Look at it this way: the original "Star Trek" films succeeded when they killed Spock and tried their hand at humor. They failed when "Nemesis" tried to do the same thing, only stupider.

Well bear in mind he was out for the initial sessions because he needed major back surgery. I imagine he came back and was like "The FUCK have you guys been up to??". Those looks of contempt he has probably translate to "Don't look at me, this wasn't my idea"

100% agree. That's my favorite song on the album, and the song where I realized "Hey, this COULD have worked…"

- "How's your wife, Conan?"
- "Let's not do this, Elizabeth."

It delights me that Laybourne likes "Rocko" so much. I seriously consider that show the perfect Nicktoon. Equal parts funny, subversive, and heart-warming. Doug, Rugrats, and Ren may have set the template, but Rocko perfected it.

Anyone have this relationship to a sitcom they've seen in syndication?

Anyone have this relationship to a sitcom they've seen in syndication?

The Rifftrax are especially entertaining because you can hear Mike and the Bots lose their patience more and more as the movies progress.  As of "Breaking Dawn: Part 1", they're just screaming at the characters for being so stupid at this point.  Their contempt mirrors my own…yet I can't stop watching…

The Rifftrax are especially entertaining because you can hear Mike and the Bots lose their patience more and more as the movies progress.  As of "Breaking Dawn: Part 1", they're just screaming at the characters for being so stupid at this point.  Their contempt mirrors my own…yet I can't stop watching…

Michael Clarke Duncan was so good he took was in essence an under-written character for that movie, and made him menacing just by sheer screen presence.  What's his intro?  His business partner is trying to get out of their arrangement and is offering him all kinds of money and stocks, but Duncan stands there cool as

Michael Clarke Duncan was so good he took was in essence an under-written character for that movie, and made him menacing just by sheer screen presence.  What's his intro?  His business partner is trying to get out of their arrangement and is offering him all kinds of money and stocks, but Duncan stands there cool as

I just wish they would have properly called them "aliens".  They have flying saucers and big heads with black eyes!  Drop all this bullshit about "inter-dimensional beings" and "the space between spaces" and just call them aliens.  It still would have been silly, but I would have at least gone with it.

Not to mention the tremendous heat from a nuclear bomb would have cooked Indy alive on top of sending him tumbling miles away.  He should have emerged from that fridge with all of his arms broken and looking like well done bacon.

Okana has JOE PISCOPO presented as the greatest comedian of the 20th Century.  If that was an elaborate prank by the producers than well done sirs.  If not, that's just sad.

Really, if you saw the deleted scenes they had with Wesley on the DVD, you'll be glad he just sat there and did nothing in the theatrical version.

"Stop looking at my perfectly sculpted bod as I wear nothing but a leather speedo and an opera cape, fag!"

Dude, he was writing about Swamp Thing having mushroom-assisted psychic sex with his girlfriend during the peak of his career.  Perverted anarchistic sorcery is just another day at the office for Moore.

This is just my personal opinion, but I'd like to see…not so much an origin story because that doesn't befit a character as mysterious as The Doctor, but perhaps some glimpses into his early life on Gallifrey.  Life with his family, his early friendship with The Master, etc.  I was surmised that his very first

Ask him how hard he wanted to punch the writers in the face when they made him act opposite those AWFUL Irish stereotypes in the TNG episode "Up The Long Ladder".

My biggest moment of terror was when Natalie Portman used a knife and fork to eat a pear in "Attack of the Clones".  It was at that point I realized "…My god.  George Lucas isn't human."