
Four words: "…Who's holding my hand?"

I dunno if any of you have seen it, but there's this anime that has never been released in America called "School Days", which was based off a series of romantic visual novel games.  It starts out light-hearted and has the typical trappings, like being able to hit on a bunch of different girls and even has harem

That should be a double feature with "Postal".  The theme can be "bad movies that Dave Foley has appeared naked in".

I seriously wonder what Sam Raimi did to him behind the camera, because Keanu is actually menacing in that movie.  It goes beyond another drunk hick wifebeater.  You actually get the sense "Holy shit, Keanu could have me dead if he wanted…"

Tom Cruise is an actor who, frequently, makes me wish he weren't hoped up on crazy.  When pushed, he can deliver a really great performance even in blockbuster stuff (like his works with Spielberg).  I think my personal favorite is "Collateral", where he plays the genial and quietly menacing hitman.

"I am not married, so my sexual history is irrelevant.  But if you must know, I have had several babies.  Many by black women.  But some by white.

I think she mentioned on a previous "Behind the Scenes" special that they had to negotiate for how many times Cartman said "sucky sucky five dollah" when he thought he was a Vietnamese prostitute.  It was one of those situations where, to the censors, having him say it three times but not four was acceptable.

"Admiral Ackbar, look out!  It's the Retcon Batallion!"

I just find it horrifying and disappointing that of all the beloved characters in the franchise, JAR JAR survives to the end.

Or clearly emotionally damaged, using their manic pixie dreaminess to mask such things (i.e. Penny Lane from "Almost Famous")

I vote cutting the episode with the creepy dolls.  The events in that episode were so unimportant that they moved it to the second half of the season and nobody noticed or cared.  Hell, nobody even died.  Way to lessen the stakes.

I keep wondering how "Nookie" in particular was popular.  Maybe the chorus is kind of catchy, but everything else about that song (especially the verses) is borderline un-listenable. 

P!nk said she wanted to work with Linda Perry because she was a huge 4 Non Blondes fan and she loved "What's Going On".

You guys all know NAMBLA?  The North American Man Boy Love Association?  They have a female equivalent.  What are they called?

"That's…no moon…that's…a space station."

I have a hard time watching TNG now because of all the writing mistakes they made over the course of the show (the casual sexism, the deus ex machina endings, the Mary Sue characters, etc).  DS9 doesn't really have this problem (by virtue of simply having much better writers) so I find it much more watchable and

I thought that was one of the leftover fears, like the gorilla or the sad clown.

I always saw it as friendly ribbing between friends.  Rory gets his shots in here and there (particularly about the fez).

I think in this case, it's because The Doctor has kept them around.  Previous companions have left to get married before (Jo, Leela, etc), and The Doctor never saw them again after that.  Amy and Rory are different.  They got married and they still traveled with him.  They conceived their child in his ship (in a bunk

My biggest curiousity is why the older Canton winked at the Doctor's burning corpse.  Look at it, 10:25 in.  GET ON THIS INTERNET!