
And it got taken one step further when Troughton took over.  HIS Doctor was actually EXCITED that he didn't know where he'd land next.  It was one big universe and it was all his playground.  I find that a defining aspect of the character as any.

Same thing goes for "Monster A Go Go".  That thing is almost an anti-movie.  DEFINITELY not for newcomers.

"Do do do do do oh YOU'RE here!  WHOA!!!"

"When did Gumby get a class-F license?"

I like Servo's quip during "Starfighters": "I think we're at the point where something's GOT to happen…"

That movie does have ONE RIFF that sums up so much of the show though: "I think we're at the point where something's GOT to happen!"

Now here's a question!  Which is the best MST3K SHORT they ever featured?

If its on there, I recommend "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians", mostly because it's kind of a fun likable movie in spite of its obvious awfulness.

Even though the climax is borderline unwatchable, one of my favorite episodes is "Invasion of the Neptune Men".  It feels like all the problems the writers had with cheesy Japanese sci-fi movies finally came to a head and they couldn't contain their rage anymore.  Plus since almost anything during the final battle is

Not to mention you get absolute comedy gold like beat a zombie to death with pool cues while Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" was playing on the jukebox.  Big points for not going for the easy joke with "Another One Bites The Dust".

One interesting interpretation I heard of the flashbacks in "Zuko Alone" is that Azulon planned to "punish" Ozai by, in fact, naming Zuko his successor instead of either Ozai, Iroh, or even Azula.  Once Ozai found out about this he and Azula (being as close as they are) came up with a plan of subterfuge where they

I always assumed that was Susan more than Romana.  And yea I know RTD implied it was The Doctor's mother, but he also waffled on Jack being the Face of Boe.  I wouldn't take anything he says as canon.

Okay, because TNG was always my favorite I need to pick out some more worst episodes.

I'm gonna pick out IMO the worst episodes of every respective "Star Trek" episode.

Yea Donna is pretty unbearable in "Runaway Bride".  SO glad they re-vamped her character when they made her a companion.  Actually under RTD's run I honestly feel the Christmas specials were some of the worst episodes.

That's because it cost $50!  Fer christ's sake, for $50 you can actually HAVE sex!

That's probably because that's exactly what happened.  You watch the DVD, there's a whole different ending they filmed where Simon Gruber gets away and McClane gets discredited as a result.  He eventually hunts him down and kills him with a rocket launcher.  It's a real dark intense ending.  But the studio didn't like

To me, "Miracle Day" is embodying everything I didn't like about "Torchwood" in the first place.  Especially in the first two series, everything seemed very GRITTY AND DARK RRGH because it was desperately trying to be hip and edgy.  "Ooo!  Lookit us!  We have SEX and we SWEAR and we don't have happy endings because

I think some people have theorized that the rule of 12 was more a speed limit set by the Time Lords.  Since even without the regeneration Time Lords are more or less immortal, they set that rule so the universe wouldn't be clogged with them.  Now they're gone?  The sky's the limit.

I dig the fast pace as well.  Maybe it's because I grew up watching too many shows and movies where things move so slowly, but I love it when SHIT IS HAPPENING and we have to GO GO GO.