
That's a low blow Condliffe, its a cheap shot to get more page views and a prime example of headline trolling. You should change the headline to 'This proves apples communication with its stores is poor' or 'one guy makes a mistake, looks like a dick' but to say this story proves apple stores in the UK are incredibly


I'm sorry, i thought we were having a conversation about religion here? Not some History channel BS conspiracy theory about Aliens. I've had a look into the Vedic scriptures now and some of the interpretations that have been concluded, just a brief glance, but enough to realise where you're coming from now.

I'm not being narrow, it was your comment in the first place, i'm just interested what other people think bout it and you've made a massive presumption there that i dismiss everything with a religious or spiritual connotation, especially as spiritual and religious can be so very different. I'll admit to being un

HA!!! you got me there you swine! V Funny ;-)

You are correct there and i accept your point as valid, but come on, seriously, the likelihood that the donor was known to the police is increased greatly because he was a shooting victim and there's no getting around that.

Better let the Po Po know to change the name associated to those prints then! Imagine the comedic mishaps that could ensue!!

it's OK, i thought it was funny and took it in the light hearted manor it was intended!

RTA - I fully agree!

i'm responding to you so that everyone can see your comment and discuss your theories of religious stories basically being "amazing science fiction in and of themselves" as i'm curious as to where this may lead.

Yes you were very polite, i think chimel23 got off very lightly there!

And did those feet in ancient time

Touché! its a 1 all draw!

Ha!! Plasma Cutter!! Nice one, i'm enjoying this thread!

You tell him Tyrunn, you stand ya ground son!

You tell him Herb! Get in there son!

If you're going to the effort of saying Bollocks old chap, do us a solid and extend that mindset to 'flavours' also.

I like Buggery Bollocks, my mum says it! I love being English, i think we have a certain uniqueness to our obscenities!

'I love the smell of Queef in the morning' Rip Torn - Dodgeball

I'm going to reply to you so that you can see that this isn't filtered, and also approve you as a commenter. I'm from the UK and we don't use the word cunt at all like you seem to and it's a bit of a surprise to hear that you do use it so, though i'm aware of Australia's laid back attitude to swearing, which i approve