
The collars are made from Mystique’s DNA, so they can adapt to any circumstance. X-Men in MCU confirmed.

10 Cloverfield Lane wasn’t found footage and was great.

How does Negan’s wife maintain her perfect hair style in the midst of a zombie apocolypse? Hard enough getting one’s hair done in the current pandemic.

we need to start admitting to ourselves we are on the brink of a civil war.

Mandatory comment about the better and great original show. 

Ok you can’t be part of io9 and have that drastically negative of an opinion regarding one of the all-time seminal moments of science fiction & pop culture.

To be fair, Riker stated he didn’t leave SF, he was still active reserve.  He didn’t burn all his bridges like Picard did.

Anyone beside me feel that Agnes Jurati was the most annoying ST character since Wesley Crusher?  

Then there’s Downey, who does the whole film with an accent that’s meant to make him sound vaguely, indistinguishably foreign”

“ So a few hands up the butt later, all is well.”

But, the world wants to know:  is there a push-me-pull-you?

Well there’s a rumor the original ending was gonna be that Arthur shoots and kills the entire Wayne family as they walk out a theater.

Can’t imagine what you mean, he didn’t say a word about Rogue One.

Why use Josh Gad when Matt Berry is RIGHT. OVER. THERE? 

There are two problems with Stadia.

There’s never too much Star Trek news, seeing as we hadn’t had any Trek news at all for several years

What I mean is, every single character I’ve seen Murray play have been douchy and unsympathetic. It’s like he’s got an affinity for it. Venkman and whatsisname from Groundhog Day are just two - albeit excellent - examples.

Monster Trucks made 64 million dollars. Which is 43 million dollars more than Hellboy made. (I literally have no point for this info)

What? How can this be? Less than three months ago, someone going by the handle “I Love Janet!” was assuring us all that Disco was going to be cancelled:

You may not have noticed, but we post our personal opinions all the time here. That's a huge part of what we do.