
My BFF’s name is Linda, and she doesn’t work in HR. #NotAllLindas

FWIW, Wikipedia says Nagra was excited about ER:

If she doesn’t know who Kylie is, then anyone of us could be Kylie. I Kylie?

too bad Harold’s car wasnt available...

I feel like it was at least 50% when she started.

They should make a movie about Portuguese Man-O-Wars (Men-O-War?) I got stung by one of them once, paralyzed my foot. I didn’t even see it, I was just told by the person who was able to pull me out of the ocean before I drowned. Those things scare me a hell of a lot more than sharks.

And as a single-by-choice 42yo, now I know what everyone is saying behind my back.

Bobby, why so many links to click? I never click the links. I just want a pithy sentence full of wit about what happened.

>Masterson is a terrrible actor.

you’d think that’s one of those things that doesn’t need explaining; an implicit understanding of ‘the rules’, if you will

I'm sure you don't have very much experience with pussies.

He does consistently have the look of someone who just ate a fart.

“Surely this girl can’t look THAT much like Kendall Jen-”

I have compassion for her bathrobe. It must be exhausted from being in every scene.

Indeed. Kate Winslet has said a lot of stupid things over the years. You’re right that it explains her friendship with Leo.