
next stop, suing "feelings". Donald Sterling will not be stopped.

Dear Shelly,

does it calculate out of the 87% NFL that are younger than me, how many of them already have repeated concussions? Or a percentage of how much the NFL could give less than a shit about (those with repeated concussions)?

As Bill Maher said, the common cure for an 81 year old racist is the flu.

it would be nice if they actually won the NBA Championship but refused to give the trophy to Sterling and at the ceremony they all say together that they refuse to ever play for him, that'll gladly play for the Clippers but not for any team owned by him. that would be cool.

Rico. the greatest hairdresser/stylist/Las Vegas Cop/American Gladiator winner ever.

you guys do realize that he did murder his wife and kids, and the WWE had to deal with the scrutiny that one of their major stars just straight up murdered them in their sleep and with little provocation on one of his few days off. The WWE gave him his two hour all RAW memorial in tribute before they got all the


you forgot about wrestling in the green spot too

taking your future children with me...